
package render

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait AsciiRenderMethods extends MethodExtensions[Tile]

    Extension methods on Tile for printing a representation as ASCII ranged characters or numerical values.

    Extension methods on Tile for printing a representation as ASCII ranged characters or numerical values.



  2. class BreakMap[A, B] extends (A) ⇒ B with Serializable

    A Map which provides specific Binary Search-based map behaviour with breaks and a break strategy.

    A Map which provides specific Binary Search-based map behaviour with breaks and a break strategy.

    val bm: BreakMap[Int, Int] = ...
    val t: Tile = ...
    // Map all the cells of `t` to a target bin value in O(klogn).
    val newT: Tile =

    Note: A and B are specialized on Int and Double.

  3. sealed trait ClassBoundaryType extends AnyRef

    Root element in hierarchy for specifying the type of boundary when classifying colors

  4. trait ClassificationColorMaps extends AnyRef
  5. trait ColorMap extends Serializable
  6. trait ColorMethods extends MethodExtensions[Tile]
  7. class ColorRamp extends Serializable

    A ColorRamp represents a sequence of RGBA color values

  8. class DoubleColorMap extends ColorMap
  9. sealed trait ImageFormat extends AnyRef
  10. trait Implicits extends AnyRef
  11. class IndexedColorMap extends IntColorMap

    A color map where the breaks are monotonically increasing integer values starting at zero.

    A color map where the breaks are monotonically increasing integer values starting at zero. Primarily used for capturing and persisting indexed color maps in GeoTIFFs.

  12. class IntCachedColorMap extends ColorMap

    Caches a color ramp based on a histogram of values.

    Caches a color ramp based on a histogram of values. This is an optimization, since often times we create a histogram while classifying, and can reuse that computed information in the color mapping.

    In order for this class to work correctly the histogram acts as a map from values to their colors and must contain a value for each pixel value that we expect to encounter.

    The performance benefit is eC lookup cost instead of Log provided by IntColorMap

  13. class IntColorMap extends ColorMap
  14. case class Jpg(bytes: Array[Byte]) extends ImageFormat with Product with Serializable
  15. trait JpgRenderMethods extends MethodExtensions[Tile]
  16. class MapStrategy[A] extends Serializable

    A strategy for mapping values via a BreakMap.

    A strategy for mapping values via a BreakMap.

    Note: Specialized for Int and Double.

  17. trait MatplotLibColorRamps extends AnyRef
  18. trait MultibandColorMethods extends MethodExtensions[MultibandTile]
  19. trait MultibandJpgRenderMethods extends MethodExtensions[MultibandTile]
  20. trait MultibandPngRenderMethods extends MethodExtensions[MultibandTile]
  21. case class Png(bytes: Array[Byte]) extends ImageFormat with Product with Serializable
  22. trait PngRenderMethods extends MethodExtensions[Tile]
  23. final class RGBA extends AnyVal
  24. class RenderBench extends AnyRef
    @BenchmarkMode() @State()

Value Members

  1. object BreakMap extends Serializable

    Helper methods for constructing BreakMaps.

  2. object ColorMap extends Serializable
  3. object ColorMaps extends ClassificationColorMaps

    Library of color maps.

    Library of color maps.



  4. object ColorRamp extends Serializable
  5. object ColorRamps extends MatplotLibColorRamps
  6. object Exact extends ClassBoundaryType with Product with Serializable
  7. object GreaterThan extends ClassBoundaryType with Product with Serializable
  8. object GreaterThanOrEqualTo extends ClassBoundaryType with Product with Serializable
  9. object HSV
  10. object Implicits extends Implicits
  11. object IndexedColorMap extends Serializable
  12. object Jpg extends Serializable
  13. object LessThan extends ClassBoundaryType with Product with Serializable
  14. object LessThanOrEqualTo extends ClassBoundaryType with Product with Serializable
  15. object MapStrategy extends Serializable

    Helper methods for constructing a MapStrategy.

  16. object Png extends Serializable
  17. object RGB
  18. object RGBA
