class UByteGeoTiffTile extends GeoTiffTile with UByteGeoTiffSegmentCollection
- Alphabetic
- By Inheritance
- UByteGeoTiffTile
- UByteGeoTiffSegmentCollection
- GeoTiffSegmentCollection
- GeoTiffTile
- GeoTiffSegmentLayoutTransform
- GeoTiffImageData
- Tile
- MappableTile
- MacroMappableTile
- IterableTile
- MacroIterableTile
- CellGrid
- GridIntegral
- Grid
- Serializable
- Serializable
- AnyRef
- Any
- Hide All
- Show All
- Public
- All
Instance Constructors
- new UByteGeoTiffTile(segmentBytes: SegmentBytes, decompressor: Decompressor, segmentLayout: GeoTiffSegmentLayout, compression: Compression, cellType: UByteCells with NoDataHandling, overviews: List[UByteGeoTiffTile] = Nil)
Type Members
T = UByteGeoTiffSegment
- Definition Classes
- UByteGeoTiffSegmentCollection → GeoTiffSegmentCollection
Value Members
bandCount: Int
Count of the bands in the GeoTiff
Count of the bands in the GeoTiff
- Definition Classes
- GeoTiffTile → GeoTiffSegmentLayoutTransform → GeoTiffImageData
bandType: UByteBandType.type
- Definition Classes
- UByteGeoTiffSegmentCollection → GeoTiffSegmentCollection
cellType: UByteCells with NoDataHandling
- Definition Classes
- UByteGeoTiffTile → GeoTiffTile → CellGrid
cols: Int
cols and rows are explicitly defined to help with the Grid[N].{cols | rows} specialized functions dispatch.
cols and rows are explicitly defined to help with the Grid[N].{cols | rows} specialized functions dispatch. See
- Definition Classes
- GeoTiffTile → GeoTiffImageData → Tile → Grid
combine(other: Tile)(f: (Int, Int) ⇒ Int): Tile
Combines two GeoTiffTiles by applying a function to both and using the result to create a new Tile.
Combines two GeoTiffTiles by applying a function to both and using the result to create a new Tile.
- returns
A Tile that contains the results of the given function
- Definition Classes
- GeoTiffTile → Tile
combineDouble(other: Tile)(f: (Double, Double) ⇒ Double): Tile
Combines two GeoTiffTiles by applying a function to both and using the result to create a new Tile.
Combines two GeoTiffTiles by applying a function to both and using the result to create a new Tile.
- returns
A Tile that contains the results of the given function
- Definition Classes
- GeoTiffTile → Tile
convert(newCellType: CellType): GeoTiffTile
Converts the CellType of the GeoTiffTile to the given CellType
Converts the CellType of the GeoTiffTile to the given CellType
- returns
A new Tile that contains the new CellTypes
- Definition Classes
- GeoTiffTile → Tile
crop(windows: Seq[GridBounds[Int]]): Iterator[(GridBounds[Int], MutableArrayTile)]
Crop this tile to given pixel regions.
Crop this tile to given pixel regions.
- Definition Classes
- GeoTiffTile
crop(bounds: GridBounds[Int]): MutableArrayTile
Crop this tile to given pixel region.
Crop this tile to given pixel region.
- Definition Classes
- GeoTiffTile
lazy val
decompressGeoTiffSegment: (Int, Array[Byte]) ⇒ T
- Definition Classes
- UByteGeoTiffSegmentCollection → GeoTiffSegmentCollection
decompressor: Decompressor
- Definition Classes
- UByteGeoTiffTile → GeoTiffSegmentCollection → GeoTiffImageData
dimensions: Dimensions[Int]
- Definition Classes
- GridIntegral → Grid
downsample(newCols: Int, newRows: Int)(f: (CellSet) ⇒ Int): Tile
Reduce the resolution of the present Tile to the given number of columns and rows.
dualCombine(r2: Tile)(f: (Int, Int) ⇒ Int)(g: (Double, Double) ⇒ Double): Tile
Combine two Tiles together using one of two given functions.
Combine two Tiles together using one of two given functions. If the union of the types of the two cells is floating-point, then the floating function is used, otherwise the integer function is used.
- r2
The tile to combine with the present one
- f
The integer function
- g
The double function
- Definition Classes
- Tile
dualForeach(f: (Int) ⇒ Unit)(g: (Double) ⇒ Unit): Unit
Execute a function at each pixel of a Tile.
dualMap(f: (Int) ⇒ Int)(g: (Double) ⇒ Double): Tile
Map one of the two given functions across the Tile to produce a new one.
dualMapIfSet(f: (Int) ⇒ Int)(g: (Double) ⇒ Double): Tile
Conditionally map across the Tile with one of two functions, depending on whether the tile is an integer- or a floating-tile.
findMinMax: (Int, Int)
Return tuple of highest and lowest value in raster.
Return tuple of highest and lowest value in raster.
- Definition Classes
- Tile
- Note
Currently does not support double valued raster data types (FloatConstantNoDataCellType, DoubleConstantNoDataCellType). Calling findMinMax on rasters of those types will give the integer min and max of the rounded values of their cells.
findMinMaxDouble: (Double, Double)
Return tuple of highest and lowest value in raster.
Return tuple of highest and lowest value in raster.
- Definition Classes
- Tile
foreach(f: (Int) ⇒ Unit): Unit
Takes a function that takes an Int and returns a Unit for each segment in the GeoTiffTile.
Takes a function that takes an Int and returns a Unit for each segment in the GeoTiffTile.
- returns
A Unit for each segment in the GeoTiffTile
- Definition Classes
- GeoTiffTile → Tile
foreach(f: (Int, Int, Int) ⇒ Unit): Unit
Execute the given function 'f' at every location in the tile.
Execute the given function 'f' at every location in the tile. The function 'f' takes the column, row, and value and returns nothing (presumably for side-effects).
- Definition Classes
- IterableTile
foreachDouble(f: (Double) ⇒ Unit): Unit
Takes a function that takes a Double and returns a Unit for each segment in the GeoTiffTile.
Takes a function that takes a Double and returns a Unit for each segment in the GeoTiffTile.
- returns
A Unit for each segment in the GeoTiffTile
- Definition Classes
- GeoTiffTile → Tile
foreachDouble(f: (Int, Int, Double) ⇒ Unit): Unit
Execute the given function 'f' at every location in the tile.
Execute the given function 'f' at every location in the tile. The function 'f' takes the column, row, and value, the last one as a double, and returns nothing (presumably for side-effects).
- Definition Classes
- IterableTile
foreachDoubleVisitor(visitor: DoubleTileVisitor): Unit
Executes a DoubleTileVisitor at each cell of the GeoTiffTile.
Executes a DoubleTileVisitor at each cell of the GeoTiffTile.
- Definition Classes
- GeoTiffTile → MacroIterableTile
foreachIntVisitor(visitor: IntTileVisitor): Unit
Executes an IntTileVisitor at each cell of the GeoTiffTile.
Executes an IntTileVisitor at each cell of the GeoTiffTile.
- Definition Classes
- GeoTiffTile → MacroIterableTile
get(col: Int, row: Int): Int
Given a col and row, find the segment where this point resides.
Given a col and row, find the segment where this point resides.
- returns
An Int that represents the segment's index
- Definition Classes
- GeoTiffTile → Tile
getDouble(col: Int, row: Int): Double
Given a col and row, find the segment that this point is within.
Given a col and row, find the segment that this point is within.
- returns
A Double that represents the segment's index
- Definition Classes
- GeoTiffTile → Tile
getOverview(idx: Int): GeoTiffTile
- Definition Classes
- GeoTiffTile
getOverviewsCount: Int
- Definition Classes
- GeoTiffTile
getSegment(i: Int): T
- Definition Classes
- GeoTiffSegmentCollection
getSegmentCoordinate(segmentIndex: Int): (Int, Int)
- Definition Classes
- GeoTiffSegmentLayoutTransform
getSegmentDimensions(segmentIndex: Int): Dimensions[Int]
Calculates pixel dimensions of a given segment in this layout.
Calculates pixel dimensions of a given segment in this layout. Segments are indexed in row-major order relative to the GeoTiff they comprise.
- returns
Tuple representing segment (cols, rows)
- Definition Classes
- GeoTiffSegmentLayoutTransform
getSegmentSize(segmentIndex: Int): Int
Calculates the total pixel count for given segment in this layout.
Calculates the total pixel count for given segment in this layout.
- returns
Pixel size of the segment
- Definition Classes
- GeoTiffSegmentLayoutTransform
getSegments(ids: Traversable[Int]): Iterator[(Int, T)]
- Definition Classes
- GeoTiffSegmentCollection
interpretAs(newCellType: CellType): GeoTiffTile
Changes the interpretation of the tile cells through changing NoData handling and optionally cell data type.
Changes the interpretation of the tile cells through changing NoData handling and optionally cell data type. If DataType portion of the CellType is unchanged the tile data is not duplicated through conversion. If cell DataType conversion is required it is done in a naive way, without considering NoData handling.
- newCellType
CellType to be used in interpreting existing cells
- Definition Classes
- UByteGeoTiffTile → Tile
isNoDataTile: Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Tile
map(f: (Int) ⇒ Int): GeoTiffTile
Takes a function that takes an Int and returns an Int on each segment in the GeoTiffTile.
Takes a function that takes an Int and returns an Int on each segment in the GeoTiffTile.
- returns
A GeoTiffTile that contains the newly mapped values
- Definition Classes
- GeoTiffTile → Tile
map(f: (Int, Int, Int) ⇒ Int): Tile
Map over the tiles using a function which accepts the column, row, and value at that position and returns an integer.
Map over the tiles using a function which accepts the column, row, and value at that position and returns an integer.
- Definition Classes
- MappableTile
mapDouble(f: (Double) ⇒ Double): GeoTiffTile
Takes a function that takes a Double and returns a Double on each segment in the GeoTiffTile.
Takes a function that takes a Double and returns a Double on each segment in the GeoTiffTile.
- returns
A GeoTiffTile that contains the newly mapped values
- Definition Classes
- GeoTiffTile → Tile
mapDouble(f: (Int, Int, Double) ⇒ Double): Tile
Map over the tiles using a function which accepts the column, row, and value at that position and returns a double.
Map over the tiles using a function which accepts the column, row, and value at that position and returns a double.
- Definition Classes
- MappableTile
mapDoubleMapper(mapper: DoubleTileMapper): Tile
Map a DoubleTileMapper over the given tile.
Map a DoubleTileMapper over the given tile.
- returns
A Tile with the results of the mapper
- Definition Classes
- GeoTiffTile → MacroMappableTile
mapIfSet(f: (Int) ⇒ Int): Tile
Conditionally execute (or don't) the given function at each pixel of a Tile, depending on whether that pixel is NODATA or not.
mapIfSetDouble(f: (Double) ⇒ Double): Tile
Conditionally execute (or don't) the given function at each pixel of a Tile, depending on whether that pixel is NODATA or not.
mapIntMapper(mapper: IntTileMapper): Tile
Map an IntTileMapper over the given tile.
Map an IntTileMapper over the given tile.
- returns
A Tile with the results of the mapper
- Definition Classes
- GeoTiffTile → MacroMappableTile
mutable: MutableArrayTile
Converts GeoTiffTile to a MutableArrayTile
Converts GeoTiffTile to a MutableArrayTile
- returns
A MutableArrayTile of the GeoTiffTile
- Definition Classes
- GeoTiffTile → Tile
noDataValue: Option[Int]
- Definition Classes
- UByteGeoTiffTile → UByteGeoTiffSegmentCollection
normalize(oldMin: Double, oldMax: Double, newMin: Double, newMax: Double): Tile
Normalizes the values of this raster, given the current min and max, to a new min and max.
Normalizes the values of this raster, given the current min and max, to a new min and max.
- oldMin
Old minimum value
- oldMax
Old maximum value
- newMin
New minimum value
- newMax
New maximum value
- Definition Classes
- Tile
normalize(oldMin: Int, oldMax: Int, newMin: Int, newMax: Int): Tile
Normalizes the values of this raster, given the current min and max, to a new min and max.
Normalizes the values of this raster, given the current min and max, to a new min and max.
- oldMin
Old minimum value
- oldMax
Old maximum value
- newMin
New minimum value
- newMax
New maximum value
- Definition Classes
- Tile
overviews: List[GeoTiffTile]
- Definition Classes
- GeoTiffTile
partitionWindowsBySegments(windows: Seq[GridBounds[Int]], maxPartitionSize: Long): Array[Array[GridBounds[Int]]]
Partition a list of pixel windows to localize required segment reads.
Partition a list of pixel windows to localize required segment reads. Some segments may be required by more than one partition. Pixel windows outside of layout range will be filtered. Maximum partition size may be exceeded if any window size exceeds it. Windows will not be split to satisfy partition size limits.
- windows
List of pixel windows from this layout
- maxPartitionSize
Maximum pixel count for each partition
- Definition Classes
- GeoTiffSegmentLayoutTransform
rescale(newMin: Double, newMax: Double): Tile
Rescale the values in this Tile so that they are between the two given values.
rescale(newMin: Int, newMax: Int): Tile
Rescale the values in this Tile so that they are between the two given values.
rows: Int
- Definition Classes
- GeoTiffTile → GeoTiffImageData → Tile → Grid
segmentBytes: SegmentBytes
represents all of the segments in the geotiff
represents all of the segments in the geotiff
- Definition Classes
- UByteGeoTiffTile → GeoTiffSegmentCollection → GeoTiffImageData
segmentCount: Int
- Definition Classes
- GeoTiffTile
segmentLayout: GeoTiffSegmentLayout
- Definition Classes
- GeoTiffTile → GeoTiffSegmentLayoutTransform → GeoTiffImageData
size: Int
- Definition Classes
- GridIntegral → Grid
toArray(): Array[Int]
Converts the given implementation to an Array
Converts the given implementation to an Array
- returns
An Array[Int] that conatains all of the values in the tile
- Definition Classes
- GeoTiffTile → Tile
toArrayDouble(): Array[Double]
Converts the given implementation to an Array
Converts the given implementation to an Array
- returns
An Array[Double] that conatains all of the values in the tile
- Definition Classes
- GeoTiffTile → Tile
toArrayTile(): ArrayTile
Converts GeoTiffTile to an ArrayTile
Converts GeoTiffTile to an ArrayTile
- returns
An ArrayTile of the GeoTiffTile
- Definition Classes
- GeoTiffTile → Tile
toBytes(): Array[Byte]
Converts the GeoTiffTile to an Array[Byte]
Converts the GeoTiffTile to an Array[Byte]
- returns
An Array[Byte] of the GeoTiffTile
- Definition Classes
- GeoTiffTile → Tile
toString(): String
- Definition Classes
- GeoTiffTile → AnyRef → Any
withNoData(noDataValue: Option[Double]): UByteGeoTiffTile
- Definition Classes
- UByteGeoTiffTile → Tile