
package reader

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class GeoTiffCSParameters(model: Int = UserDefinedCPV, pcs: Int = UserDefinedCPV, gcs: Int = UserDefinedCPV, length: Int = UserDefinedCPV, lengthInMeters: Double = 1.0, angle: Int = UserDefinedCPV, angleInDegrees: Double = 1.0, datum: Int = UserDefinedCPV, ellipsoid: Int = UserDefinedCPV, semiMajor: Double = 0.0, semiMinor: Double = 0.0, pm: Int = UserDefinedCPV, pmLongToGreenwich: Double = 0.0, projCode: Int = UserDefinedCPV, projection: Int = UserDefinedCPV, ctProjection: Int = UserDefinedCPV, mapSystem: Int = UserDefinedCPV, zone: Int = 0, projectionParameters: Array[(Int, Double)] = Array(), pcsCitation: Option[String] = None) extends Product with Serializable
  2. class GeoTiffCSParser extends AnyRef

    This class is indirectly ported from the GDAL github repository.

  3. case class GeoTiffInfo(extent: Extent, crs: CRS, tags: Tags, options: GeoTiffOptions, bandType: BandType, segmentBytes: SegmentBytes, decompressor: Decompressor, segmentLayout: GeoTiffSegmentLayout, compression: Compression, bandCount: Int, noDataValue: Option[Double], overviews: List[GeoTiffInfo] = Nil) extends Product with Serializable

    Container for GeoTiff metadata read by GeoTiffReader

  4. trait GeoTiffReader[V <: CellGrid[Int]] extends Serializable
  5. class GeoTiffReaderLimitationException extends RuntimeException
  6. class MalformedGeoTiffException extends RuntimeException

Value Members

  1. object GeoTiffCSParser
  2. object GeoTiffInfo extends Serializable
  3. object GeoTiffReader extends Serializable
