


class BitGeoTiffMultibandTile extends GeoTiffMultibandTile with BitGeoTiffSegmentCollection

  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. BitGeoTiffMultibandTile
  2. BitGeoTiffSegmentCollection
  3. GeoTiffSegmentCollection
  4. GeoTiffMultibandTile
  5. MacroGeotiffMultibandCombiners
  6. GeoTiffSegmentLayoutTransform
  7. GeoTiffImageData
  8. MultibandTile
  9. MacroCombineFunctions
  10. MacroCombinableMultibandTile
  11. CellGrid
  12. GridIntegral
  13. Grid
  14. Serializable
  15. Serializable
  16. AnyRef
  17. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Instance Constructors

  1. new BitGeoTiffMultibandTile(compressedBytes: SegmentBytes, decompressor: Decompressor, segmentLayout: GeoTiffSegmentLayout, compression: Compression, bandCount: Int, cellType: BitCells with NoDataHandling, overviews: List[BitGeoTiffMultibandTile] = Nil)

Value Members

  1. def band(bandIndex: Int): GeoTiffTile

    Returns the corresponding GeoTiffTile from the inputted band index.

    Returns the corresponding GeoTiffTile from the inputted band index.


    The corresponding GeoTiffTile

    Definition Classes
  2. val bandCount: Int

    Count of the bands in the GeoTiff

    Count of the bands in the GeoTiff

    Definition Classes
  3. def bandSafe(bandIndex: Int): Option[Tile]

    Safely fetch a band from a MultibandTile, given some band index which may or may not be valid.

    Safely fetch a band from a MultibandTile, given some band index which may or may not be valid.

    Definition Classes
  4. val bandType: BitBandType.type
  5. def bands: Vector[Tile]

    Converts all of the bands into a collection of Vector[Tile]

    Converts all of the bands into a collection of Vector[Tile]

    Definition Classes
  6. val cellType: BitCells with NoDataHandling
  7. val cols: Int
    Definition Classes
  8. def combine(b0: Int, b1: Int)(f: (Int, Int) ⇒ Int): Tile

    Apply a function that takes a (Int, Int) and returns an Int over two selected bands in the MultibandTile.

    Apply a function that takes a (Int, Int) and returns an Int over two selected bands in the MultibandTile.


    The first band


    The second band


    A function that takes a (Int, Int) and returns an Int


    Returns a new Tile that contains the results of f

    Definition Classes
  9. def combine(f: (Array[Int]) ⇒ Int): Tile

    Combine each int band value for each cell.

    Combine each int band value for each cell. This method will be inherently slower than calling a method with explicitly stated bands, so if you have as many or fewer bands to combine than an explicit method call, use that.

    Definition Classes
  10. def combine(subset: Seq[Int])(f: (Seq[Int]) ⇒ Int): Tile

    This function piggy-backs on the other combine method to support combing a subset of the bands.

    This function piggy-backs on the other combine method to support combing a subset of the bands.


    A sequence containing the subset of bands that are of interest


    A function to combine the bands

    Definition Classes
  11. macro def combine(b0: Int, b1: Int, b2: Int, b3: Int, b4: Int, b5: Int, b6: Int, b7: Int, b8: Int, b9: Int)(f: (Int, Int, Int, Int, Int, Int, Int, Int, Int, Int) ⇒ Int): Tile
    Definition Classes
  12. macro def combine(b0: Int, b1: Int, b2: Int, b3: Int, b4: Int, b5: Int, b6: Int, b7: Int, b8: Int)(f: (Int, Int, Int, Int, Int, Int, Int, Int, Int) ⇒ Int): Tile
    Definition Classes
  13. macro def combine(b0: Int, b1: Int, b2: Int, b3: Int, b4: Int, b5: Int, b6: Int, b7: Int)(f: (Int, Int, Int, Int, Int, Int, Int, Int) ⇒ Int): Tile
    Definition Classes
  14. macro def combine(b0: Int, b1: Int, b2: Int, b3: Int, b4: Int, b5: Int, b6: Int)(f: (Int, Int, Int, Int, Int, Int, Int) ⇒ Int): Tile
    Definition Classes
  15. macro def combine(b0: Int, b1: Int, b2: Int, b3: Int, b4: Int, b5: Int)(f: (Int, Int, Int, Int, Int, Int) ⇒ Int): Tile
    Definition Classes
  16. macro def combine(b0: Int, b1: Int, b2: Int, b3: Int, b4: Int)(f: (Int, Int, Int, Int, Int) ⇒ Int): Tile
    Definition Classes
  17. macro def combine(b0: Int, b1: Int, b2: Int, b3: Int)(f: (Int, Int, Int, Int) ⇒ Int): Tile
    Definition Classes
  18. macro def combine(b0: Int, b1: Int, b2: Int)(f: (Int, Int, Int) ⇒ Int): Tile
    Definition Classes
  19. def combineDouble(b0: Int, b1: Int)(f: (Double, Double) ⇒ Double): Tile

    Apply a function that takes a (Double, Double) and returns a Double over two selected bands in the MultibandTile.

    Apply a function that takes a (Double, Double) and returns a Double over two selected bands in the MultibandTile.


    The first band


    The second band


    A function that takes a (Double, Double) and returns a Double


    Returns a new Tile that contains the results of f

    Definition Classes
  20. def combineDouble(f: (Array[Double]) ⇒ Double): Tile

    Combine each double band value for each cell.

    Combine each double band value for each cell. This method will be inherently slower than calling a method with explicitly stated bands, so if you have as many or fewer bands to combine than an explicit method call, use that.

    Definition Classes
  21. def combineDouble(subset: Seq[Int])(f: (Seq[Double]) ⇒ Double): Tile

    This function piggy-backs on the other combineDouble method to support combining a subset of the bands.

    This function piggy-backs on the other combineDouble method to support combining a subset of the bands.


    A sequence containing the subset of bands that are of interest


    A function to combine the bands

    Definition Classes
  22. macro def combineDouble(b0: Int, b1: Int, b2: Int, b3: Int, b4: Int, b5: Int, b6: Int, b7: Int, b8: Int, b9: Int)(f: (Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double) ⇒ Double): Tile
    Definition Classes
  23. macro def combineDouble(b0: Int, b1: Int, b2: Int, b3: Int, b4: Int, b5: Int, b6: Int, b7: Int, b8: Int)(f: (Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double) ⇒ Double): Tile
    Definition Classes
  24. macro def combineDouble(b0: Int, b1: Int, b2: Int, b3: Int, b4: Int, b5: Int, b6: Int, b7: Int)(f: (Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double) ⇒ Double): Tile
    Definition Classes
  25. macro def combineDouble(b0: Int, b1: Int, b2: Int, b3: Int, b4: Int, b5: Int, b6: Int)(f: (Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double) ⇒ Double): Tile
    Definition Classes
  26. macro def combineDouble(b0: Int, b1: Int, b2: Int, b3: Int, b4: Int, b5: Int)(f: (Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double) ⇒ Double): Tile
    Definition Classes
  27. macro def combineDouble(b0: Int, b1: Int, b2: Int, b3: Int, b4: Int)(f: (Double, Double, Double, Double, Double) ⇒ Double): Tile
    Definition Classes
  28. macro def combineDouble(b0: Int, b1: Int, b2: Int, b3: Int)(f: (Double, Double, Double, Double) ⇒ Double): Tile
    Definition Classes
  29. macro def combineDouble(b0: Int, b1: Int, b2: Int)(f: (Double, Double, Double) ⇒ Double): Tile
    Definition Classes
  30. def combineDoubleTileCombiner(combiner: DoubleTileCombiner10): Tile
  31. def combineDoubleTileCombiner(combiner: DoubleTileCombiner9): Tile
  32. def combineDoubleTileCombiner(combiner: DoubleTileCombiner8): Tile
  33. def combineDoubleTileCombiner(combiner: DoubleTileCombiner7): Tile
  34. def combineDoubleTileCombiner(combiner: DoubleTileCombiner6): Tile
  35. def combineDoubleTileCombiner(combiner: DoubleTileCombiner5): Tile
  36. def combineDoubleTileCombiner(combiner: DoubleTileCombiner4): Tile
  37. def combineDoubleTileCombiner(combiner: DoubleTileCombiner3): Tile
  38. def combineIntTileCombiner(combiner: IntTileCombiner10): Tile
  39. def combineIntTileCombiner(combiner: IntTileCombiner9): Tile
  40. def combineIntTileCombiner(combiner: IntTileCombiner8): Tile
  41. def combineIntTileCombiner(combiner: IntTileCombiner7): Tile
  42. def combineIntTileCombiner(combiner: IntTileCombiner6): Tile
  43. def combineIntTileCombiner(combiner: IntTileCombiner5): Tile
  44. def combineIntTileCombiner(combiner: IntTileCombiner4): Tile
  45. def combineIntTileCombiner(combiner: IntTileCombiner3): Tile
  46. val compression: Compression
  47. def convert(newCellType: CellType): GeoTiffMultibandTile

    Converts the CellTypes of a MultibandTile to the given CellType.

    Converts the CellTypes of a MultibandTile to the given CellType.


    The desired CellType


    A MultibandTile that contains the the new CellType

    Definition Classes
  48. def crop(windows: Seq[GridBounds[Int]], bandIndices: Array[Int]): Iterator[(GridBounds[Int], ArrayMultibandTile)]

    Performs a crop and band subsetting operaiton.

    Performs a crop and band subsetting operaiton. The returned MultibandGeoTiffTile will contain a subset of bands that have the same area as the input GridBounds. The bands will be in the order given.


    Pixel bounds specifying the crop areas


    An array of band indexes.

    Definition Classes
  49. def crop(windows: Seq[GridBounds[Int]]): Iterator[(GridBounds[Int], ArrayMultibandTile)]

    Performs a crop operaiton.

    Performs a crop operaiton.


    Pixel bounds specifying the crop areas

    Definition Classes
  50. def crop(bounds: GridBounds[Int], bandIndices: Array[Int]): ArrayMultibandTile

    Crop this tile to given pixel region of the given bands.

    Crop this tile to given pixel region of the given bands. The returned MultibandGeoTiffTile will contain a subset of bands that have the same area as the input GridBounds.


    Pixel bounds specifying the crop area.


    An array of band indexes.

    Definition Classes
  51. def crop(bounds: GridBounds[Int]): ArrayMultibandTile

    Crop this tile to given pixel region.

    Crop this tile to given pixel region.


    Pixel bounds specifying the crop area.

    Definition Classes
  52. lazy val decompressGeoTiffSegment: (Int, Array[Byte]) ⇒ BitGeoTiffSegment
  53. val decompressor: Decompressor
    Definition Classes
  54. def dimensions: Dimensions[Int]
    Definition Classes
  55. def foreach(f: (Array[Int]) ⇒ Unit): Unit

    Multiband iterate over tile's int value using a function that takes in an array of values, and returns the foreached value for that cell value.

    Multiband iterate over tile's int value using a function that takes in an array of values, and returns the foreached value for that cell value.


    The function

    Definition Classes
  56. def foreach(f: (Int, Int) ⇒ Unit): Unit

    Apply a function that takes a (Int, Int) and returns Unit over a MultibandTile.

    Apply a function that takes a (Int, Int) and returns Unit over a MultibandTile.


    A function that takes a (Int, Int) and returns Unit


    Returns the Unit value for each (Int, Int) in the MultibandTile

    Definition Classes
  57. def foreach(b0: Int)(f: (Int) ⇒ Unit): Unit

    Apply a function that takes an Int and returns Unit over a MultibandTile starting at the given band.

    Apply a function that takes an Int and returns Unit over a MultibandTile starting at the given band.


    The starting band


    A function that takes an Int and returns Unit


    Returns the Unit value for each Int in the selected bands

    Definition Classes
  58. def foreachDouble(f: (Array[Double]) ⇒ Unit): Unit

    Multiband iterate over tile's double value using a function that takes in an array of values, and returns the foreached value for that cell value.

    Multiband iterate over tile's double value using a function that takes in an array of values, and returns the foreached value for that cell value.


    The function

    Definition Classes
  59. def foreachDouble(f: (Int, Double) ⇒ Unit): Unit

    Apply a function that takes a (Double, Double) and returns Unit over a MultibandTile.

    Apply a function that takes a (Double, Double) and returns Unit over a MultibandTile.


    A function that takes a (Double, Double) and returns Unit


    Returns the Unit value for each (Double, Double) in the MultibandTile

    Definition Classes
  60. def foreachDouble(b0: Int)(f: (Double) ⇒ Unit): Unit

    Apply a function that takes a Double and returns Unit over a MultibandTile starting at the given band.

    Apply a function that takes a Double and returns Unit over a MultibandTile starting at the given band.


    The starting band


    A function that takes a Double and returns Unit


    Returns the Unit value for each Double in the selected bands

    Definition Classes
  61. def getOverview(idx: Int): GeoTiffMultibandTile
    Definition Classes
  62. def getOverviewsCount: Int
    Definition Classes
  63. def getSegment(i: Int): T
    Definition Classes
  64. def getSegmentCoordinate(segmentIndex: Int): (Int, Int)
  65. def getSegmentDimensions(segmentIndex: Int): Dimensions[Int]

    Calculates pixel dimensions of a given segment in this layout.

    Calculates pixel dimensions of a given segment in this layout. Segments are indexed in row-major order relative to the GeoTiff they comprise.


    Tuple representing segment (cols, rows)

    Definition Classes
  66. def getSegmentSize(segmentIndex: Int): Int

    Calculates the total pixel count for given segment in this layout.

    Calculates the total pixel count for given segment in this layout.


    Pixel size of the segment

    Definition Classes
  67. def getSegments(ids: Traversable[Int]): Iterator[(Int, T)]
    Definition Classes
  68. def hasPixelInterleave: Boolean
    Definition Classes
  69. def interpretAs(newCellType: CellType): GeoTiffMultibandTile

    Changes the interpretation of the tile cells through changing NoData handling and optionally cell data type.

    Changes the interpretation of the tile cells through changing NoData handling and optionally cell data type. If DataType portion of the CellType is unchanged the tile data is not duplicated through conversion. If cell DataType conversion is required it is done in a naive way, without considering NoData handling.


    CellType to be used in interpreting existing cells

    Definition Classes
  70. def map(f: (Int, Int) ⇒ Int): MultibandTile

    Map over a MultibandTile with a function that takes a (Int, Int) and returns an Int.

    Map over a MultibandTile with a function that takes a (Int, Int) and returns an Int.


    A function that takes a (Int, Int) and returns an Int


    Returns a MultibandGeoTiff that contains the results of f

    Definition Classes
  71. def map(b0: Int)(f: (Int) ⇒ Int): MultibandTile

    Map over a MultibandTile band.

    Map over a MultibandTile band.


    The band


    A function that takes an Int and returns an Int


    Returns a MultibandGeoTiff that contains both the changed and unchanged bands

    Definition Classes
  72. def map(subset: Seq[Int])(f: (Int, Int) ⇒ Int): MultibandTile

    This function piggy-backs on the other map method to support mapping a subset of the bands.

    This function piggy-backs on the other map method to support mapping a subset of the bands.


    A sequence containing the subset of bands that are of interest


    A function to map over the bands

    Definition Classes
  73. def mapBands(f: (Int, Tile) ⇒ Tile): MultibandTile

    Map over each band, and return a new MultibandTile.

    Map over each band, and return a new MultibandTile.


    A function to apply to each band, given it's band index.


    An ArrayMultibandTile with the resulting tiles.

    Definition Classes
  74. def mapDouble(f: (Int, Double) ⇒ Double): MultibandTile

    Map over a MultibandTile with a function that takes a (Int, Double) and returns a Double.

    Map over a MultibandTile with a function that takes a (Int, Double) and returns a Double.


    A function that takes a (Int, Double) and returns a Double


    Returns a MultibandGeoTiff that contains the results of f

    Definition Classes
  75. def mapDouble(b0: Int)(f: (Double) ⇒ Double): MultibandTile

    Map over a MultibandTile band.

    Map over a MultibandTile band.


    The band


    A function that takes a Double and returns a Double


    Returns a MultibandGeoTiff that contains both the changed and unchanged bands

    Definition Classes
  76. def mapDouble(subset: Seq[Int])(f: (Int, Double) ⇒ Double): MultibandTile

    This function piggy-backs on the other mapDouble method to support mapping a subset of the bands.

    This function piggy-backs on the other mapDouble method to support mapping a subset of the bands.


    A sequence containing the subset of bands that are of interest


    A function to map over the bands

    Definition Classes
  77. def mapSegments(f: (GeoTiffSegment, Int) ⇒ Array[Byte]): MultibandTile

    Takes a function that takes a GeoTiffSegment and an Int and returns the results as a new MultibandTile.

    Takes a function that takes a GeoTiffSegment and an Int and returns the results as a new MultibandTile.


    A function that takes a GeoTiffSegment and an Int and returns an Array[Byte]


    A new MultibandTile that contains the results of the function

    Definition Classes
  78. val overviews: List[GeoTiffMultibandTile]
    Definition Classes
  79. def partitionWindowsBySegments(windows: Seq[GridBounds[Int]], maxPartitionSize: Long): Array[Array[GridBounds[Int]]]

    Partition a list of pixel windows to localize required segment reads.

    Partition a list of pixel windows to localize required segment reads. Some segments may be required by more than one partition. Pixel windows outside of layout range will be filtered. Maximum partition size may be exceeded if any window size exceeds it. Windows will not be split to satisfy partition size limits.


    List of pixel windows from this layout


    Maximum pixel count for each partition

    Definition Classes
  80. val rows: Int
    Definition Classes
  81. val segmentBytes: SegmentBytes
    Definition Classes
  82. val segmentCount: Int
  83. val segmentLayout: GeoTiffSegmentLayout
  84. def size: Int
    Definition Classes
  85. def subsetBands(bandSequence: Seq[Int]): ArrayMultibandTile

    Creates an ArrayMultibandTIle that contains a subset of bands from the GeoTiff.

    Creates an ArrayMultibandTIle that contains a subset of bands from the GeoTiff.


    A sequence of band indexes that are a subset of bands of the GeoTiff


    Returns an ArrayMultibandTile with the selected bands

    Definition Classes
  86. def subsetBands(bandSequence: Int*)(implicit d: DummyImplicit): MultibandTile

    Retrieve a subset of the bands of the present MultibandTile as a new MultibandTile.

    Retrieve a subset of the bands of the present MultibandTile as a new MultibandTile.

    Definition Classes
  87. def toArrayTile(): ArrayMultibandTile

    Converts the GeoTiffMultibandTile to an ArrayMultibandTile

    Converts the GeoTiffMultibandTile to an ArrayMultibandTile

    Definition Classes
  88. def toString(): String
    Definition Classes
    GeoTiffMultibandTile → AnyRef → Any
  89. def withNoData(noDataValue: Option[Double]): BitGeoTiffMultibandTile

    Return tile tile as raw cell MultibandTile with No NoData handling

    Return tile tile as raw cell MultibandTile with No NoData handling

    Definition Classes