



object CollectTileLayerMetadata

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. CollectTileLayerMetadata
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Value Members

  1. def fromRDD[K, V <: CellGrid[Int], K2](rdd: RDD[(K, V)], layoutDefinition: LayoutDefinition)(implicit arg0: GetComponent[K, ProjectedExtent], arg1: (K) ⇒ TilerKeyMethods[K, K2], arg2: SpatialComponent[K2], arg3: Boundable[K2]): TileLayerMetadata[K2]
  2. def fromRDD[K, V <: CellGrid[Int], K2](rdd: RDD[(K, V)], scheme: ZoomedLayoutScheme, maxZoom: Int)(implicit arg0: GetComponent[K, ProjectedExtent], arg1: (K) ⇒ TilerKeyMethods[K, K2], arg2: SpatialComponent[K2], arg3: Boundable[K2]): (Int, TileLayerMetadata[K2])
  3. def fromRDD[K, V <: CellGrid[Int], K2](rdd: RDD[(K, V)], scheme: ZoomedLayoutScheme)(implicit arg0: GetComponent[K, ProjectedExtent], arg1: (K) ⇒ TilerKeyMethods[K, K2], arg2: SpatialComponent[K2], arg3: Boundable[K2]): (Int, TileLayerMetadata[K2])
  4. def fromRDD[K, V <: CellGrid[Int], K2](rdd: RDD[(K, V)], scheme: LayoutScheme)(implicit arg0: GetComponent[K, ProjectedExtent], arg1: (K) ⇒ TilerKeyMethods[K, K2], arg2: SpatialComponent[K2], arg3: Boundable[K2]): (Int, TileLayerMetadata[K2])
  5. def fromRDD[K, V <: CellGrid[Int], K2](rdd: RDD[(K, V)], crs: CRS, scheme: ZoomedLayoutScheme, maxZoom: Int)(implicit arg0: (K) ⇒ TilerKeyMethods[K, K2], arg1: SpatialComponent[K2], arg2: Boundable[K2]): (Int, TileLayerMetadata[K2])

    Compose Extents from given raster tiles using geotrellis.spark.tiling.ZoomedLayoutScheme and a maximum zoom value.

  6. def fromRDD[K, V <: CellGrid[Int], K2](rdd: RDD[(K, V)], crs: CRS, scheme: ZoomedLayoutScheme)(implicit arg0: (K) ⇒ TilerKeyMethods[K, K2], arg1: SpatialComponent[K2], arg2: Boundable[K2]): (Int, TileLayerMetadata[K2])

    Compose Extents from given raster tiles and use geotrellis.spark.tiling.ZoomedLayoutScheme to create the geotrellis.spark.tiling.LayoutDefinition.

  7. def fromRDD[K, V <: CellGrid[Int], K2](rdd: RDD[(K, V)], crs: CRS, scheme: LayoutScheme)(implicit arg0: (K) ⇒ TilerKeyMethods[K, K2], arg1: SpatialComponent[K2], arg2: Boundable[K2]): (Int, TileLayerMetadata[K2])

    Compose Extents from given raster tiles and use LayoutScheme to create the LayoutDefinition.

  8. def fromRDD[K, V <: CellGrid[Int], K2](rdd: RDD[(K, V)], crs: CRS, layout: LayoutDefinition)(implicit arg0: (K) ⇒ TilerKeyMethods[K, K2], arg1: SpatialComponent[K2], arg2: Boundable[K2]): TileLayerMetadata[K2]

    Compose Extents from given raster tiles and fit it on given TileLayout.