The Java Topology Suite has been an important and influential library in GIS vector processing.
It is something of a standard on the JVM and has even been ported to C as GEOS.
Instead of reinventing the wheel, GeoTrellis uses JTS as the foundation of its vector module - any GeoTrellis Geometry
is really a JTS Geometry
To get a sense for why GeoTrellis vector has introduced geometry utilities, compare this example of creating a Point
with the standard JTS API to the GeoTrellis code below it which creates the same type.
// with JTS
import org.locationtech.jts
val gFactory = new jts.geom.GeometryFactory()
// gFactory: jts.geom.GeometryFactory = org.locationtech.jts.geom.GeometryFactory@37542414
val coord = new jts.geom.Coordinate(0, 0)
// coord: jts.geom.Coordinate = (0.0, 0.0, NaN)
val jtsPoint = gFactory.createPoint(coord)
// jtsPoint: jts.geom.Point = POINT (0 0)
// with GeoTrellis
import geotrellis.vector._
val point = Point(0, 0)
// point: Point = POINT (0 0)
Managing types
// res0: Point = POINT (0 0)
// res1: Geometry = POINT (0 0)
The values returned appear to be the same (POINT (0 0)
But take note of the types and things seem to have come apart: we get Point
and Geometry
In general when writing Scala, but especially important when working with the geotrellis.vector
Remember to always pay attention to the types!
The .geom
method allows specific vector types (e.g. Point
, Line
, Polygon
) to be upcast to their Geometry
Going the other direction (e.g. Geometry
=> Point
) is slightly more involved and looks quite a bit like downcasting in scala generally.
Examples of downcasting are provided below and listed from least to most safe.
// Erasing type specificity (Point => Geometry)
val theGeom: Geometry = point.geom
// theGeom: Geometry = POINT (0 0)
// Dangerous! (runtime errors)
// res2: Point = POINT (0 0)
// Safe-ish (custom error thrown)
theGeom match {
case p: Point => p
case _ =>
throw new java.lang.IllegalStateException("This can only be a point")
// res3: Point = POINT (0 0)
// Safer (can't throw) + More Idiomatic
theGeom match {
case p: Point => Some(p)
case _ => None
// res4: Option[Point] = Some(POINT (0 0))
Advanced Construction Options
JTS, like many Java libraries, requires a bit more ceremony to begin creating objects than is typical in Scala.
Configuration details which are handled by JTS through parameterization of the org.locationtech.jts.geom.GeometryFactory
have been given a sensible defaults which are automatically leveraged by geometry creation helper functions.
These defaults can be changed by providing a configuration file to override the default configuration.
Settings are picked up when the application starts and should transparently modify geometry creation.
Spatial Methods
Spatial Predicates
All DE-9IM spatial predicates are provided by JTS as methods on Geometry
val line = LineString(Point(-1, -1), Point(1, 1))
// line: LineString = LINESTRING (-1 -1, 1 1)
// res5: Boolean = true
In Scala, language features allow us to write methods as infix operators which makes the JTS API even more readable
point covers point
// res6: Boolean = true
Set Operators: Union, Difference, Intersection
Unlike predicates, which always return true
or false
regardless of input, union
, difference
, and intersection
result types vary with their inputs.
To model the complexity of these results, GeoTrellis provides the GeometryResult
and subtypes which helps the compiler know which cases need to be handled.
Users may choose between the normal JTS API or the more type-literate geotrellis.vector
Weakly Typed (JTS API)
For JTS, the result type of any union
, difference
, or intersection
will simply be a Geometry
point intersection line
// res7: Geometry = POINT (0 0)
point union line
// res8: Geometry = LINESTRING (-1 -1, 1 1)
point difference line
// res9: Geometry = POINT EMPTY
Typed API (GT API)
Using the more heavily typed API, intersection
is &
; union
is |
; and difference is -
Instead of Geometries, these methods return GeometryResult
s which allow the compiler to know a little bit more about what kinds of result are even possible.
There are too many GeometryResult
classes to list them all.
As an example, the type PointOrNoResult
is returned whenever a set operator applied to two Geometry
s can only return a Point
or NoResult
(in case it is empty).
point & line
// res10: PointOrNoResult = PointResult(POINT (0 0))
point | line
// res11: ZeroDimensionsLineStringUnionResult = LineStringResult(
// LINESTRING (-1 -1, 1 1)
// )
point - line
// res12: PointGeometryDifferenceResult = NoResult
In the above code, note that the type looks a bit different than the value (
doesn't appear to be the same asPointResult
). This is because the compiler can only know that the result is somePointOrNoResult
The specific underlying value of said type (Point
) can't be determined until runtime.
Projected Geometry
Vectors do not, themselves, keep track of the projection in which their units are correctly defined. This means that it is up to users to keep track of projections and to ensure that comparisons are not naively carried out between vectors whose points' coordinates are in different projections.
Below, we've got a latitude/longitude projected Point
(defined in terms of arcseconds) and want to determine its location under the Web Mercator projection (defined in terms of meters).
import geotrellis.proj4.{LatLng, WebMercator}
val llPoint = Point(80, 80)
// llPoint: Point = POINT (80 80)
val wmPoint = llPoint.reproject(LatLng, WebMercator)
// wmPoint: Point = POINT (8905559.263461886 15538711.096309226)
For more, refer to the section on map projections
Vectors are usually not consumed by themselves.
Instead, they will generally label otherwise interesting tracts and include properties which correspond to said tracts.
Consider the case of US Census data: Census Block polygons have attached racial and economic breakdowns of the regions they correspond to.
Such shape + property pairings are known as features and represented within GeoTrellis as geotrellis.vector.Feature
Feature Creation
At the lowest level, Feature
is little more than a tuple of some G
such that G
is a Geometry
(or G <: Geometry
as it is written in Scala) and any type D
Feature[Point, String](point, "extra data")
// res13: Feature[Point, String] = Feature(POINT (0 0), "extra data")
There also exist helper constructors which fix G
while allowing D
to vary:
PointFeature[String](point, "point with string")
// res14: Feature[Point, String] = Feature(POINT (0 0), "point with string")
LineStringFeature[String](line, "just a line with a string")
// res15: Feature[LineString, String] = Feature(
// LINESTRING (-1 -1, 1 1),
// "just a line with a string"
// )
Features and JSON
The most common GIS application is probably the 'dots on a map' representation of locations as markers pinned into appropriate locations.
Polygon choropleths are likely a close second.
Both of these cases depend on reading spatial data and its non-spatial correlates to determine what information should be displayed.
This is why Feature
Due to the regular need to ship features from database to client or from client to server, the standards for sending and receiving geometries are widely adopted and well documented. Chief among the standards developed for exactly this need is GeoJson
Circe encoders/decoders have been provided for many of the types within GeoTrellis. Before you can use these, however,
must be imported to pick up the necessary implicits.
Point(12, 34).asJson.noSpaces
// res16: String = "{\"type\":\"Point\",\"coordinates\":[12.0,34.0]}"
Feature Serialization
To serialize Feature
records into GeoJson, it is necessary to implement a Circe Encoder
for data type D
(not the geometry, G
Circe is a great library for managing serde of JSON data and a great example of designing types to assist the compiler in reporting bugs before they happen. As nice as all that is, Circe is primarily a JSON library and is focused on avoiding invalid JSON. GeoJson, as a subset of JSON, isn't necessarily valid for any given instance of JSON. As a result, it is technically possible to produce an invalid
field on theFeature
's serialized output (properties must be an object to be valid GeoJson, aString
alone won't cut it):
Feature(Point(12, 34), "stringTest").asJson.noSpaces
// res17: String = "{\"type\":\"Feature\",\"geometry\":{\"type\":\"Point\",\"coordinates\":[12.0,34.0]},\"bbox\":[12.0,34.0,12.0,34.0],\"properties\":\"stringTest\"}"
The easiest way to construct valid GeoJson is to construct a case class which has all the properties to be stored in a Feature
Below, a simple case class, PropertyData
, is used and an encoder/decoder pair is generated for this class.
Output JSON will keep properties in the context of a javascript object {}
case class PropertyData(str: String)
implicit val encoder: Encoder[PropertyData] = deriveEncoder[PropertyData]
// encoder: Encoder[PropertyData] = io.circe.generic.encoding.DerivedAsObjectEncoder$$anon$1@b2f2666
val featureString =
Feature(Point(12, 34), PropertyData("stringTest")).asJson.noSpaces
// featureString: String = "{\"type\":\"Feature\",\"geometry\":{\"type\":\"Point\",\"coordinates\":[12.0,34.0]},\"bbox\":[12.0,34.0,12.0,34.0],\"properties\":{\"str\":\"stringTest\"}}"
// res18: String = "{\"type\":\"Feature\",\"geometry\":{\"type\":\"Point\",\"coordinates\":[12.0,34.0]},\"bbox\":[12.0,34.0,12.0,34.0],\"properties\":{\"str\":\"stringTest\"}}"
Feature Deserialization
Deserialization demands that we have a Circe Decoder
rather than an Encoder
The other added complexity is that we must extract results from an Either
which will contain (Right
side) success or else (Left
side) a description of what went wrong.
implicit val decoder: Decoder[PropertyData] =
// decoder: Decoder[PropertyData] = io.circe.generic.decoding.DerivedDecoder$$anon$1@7d6336de
// getting data out of the Either
decode[Feature[Point, PropertyData]](featureString) match {
case Right(feature) => // Success
case Left(exception) => // Failure + error msg
throw exception
// res19: Feature[Point, PropertyData] = Feature(
// POINT (12 34),
// PropertyData("stringTest")
// )