package local

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait AddMethods extends MethodExtensions[Tile]
  2. trait AndMethods extends MethodExtensions[Tile]
  3. trait ConditionalMethods extends MethodExtensions[Tile]
  4. trait DivideMethods extends MethodExtensions[Tile]
  5. trait EqualMethods extends MethodExtensions[Tile]
  6. trait GreaterMethods extends MethodExtensions[Tile]
  7. trait GreaterOrEqualMethods extends MethodExtensions[Tile]
  8. trait Implicits extends AnyRef
  9. trait LessMethods extends MethodExtensions[Tile]
  10. trait LessOrEqualMethods extends MethodExtensions[Tile]
  11. trait LocalMethods extends MethodExtensions[Tile] with AddMethods with SubtractMethods with MultiplyMethods with DivideMethods with MinMethods with MaxMethods with AndMethods with OrMethods with XorMethods with ConditionalMethods with EqualMethods with UnequalMethods with GreaterOrEqualMethods with GreaterMethods with LessMethods with LessOrEqualMethods with MajorityMethods with MinorityMethods with PowMethods
  12. trait LocalSeqMethods extends MethodExtensions[Traversable[Tile]]
  13. trait LocalTileBinaryOp extends Serializable
  14. trait LocalTileComparatorOp extends Serializable
  15. trait MajorityMethods extends MethodExtensions[Tile]
  16. trait MaxMethods extends MethodExtensions[Tile]
  17. trait MinMethods extends MethodExtensions[Tile]
  18. trait MinorityMethods extends MethodExtensions[Tile]
  19. trait MultiplyMethods extends MethodExtensions[Tile]
  20. trait OrMethods extends MethodExtensions[Tile]
  21. trait PowMethods extends MethodExtensions[Tile]
  22. trait SubtractMethods extends MethodExtensions[Tile]
  23. class TileReducer extends AnyRef
  24. trait UnequalMethods extends MethodExtensions[Tile]
  25. trait XorMethods extends MethodExtensions[Tile]

Value Members

  1. object Abs extends Serializable

    Operation to get the Absolute value

  2. object Acos extends Serializable

    Operation to get the arc cosine of values.

    Operation to get the arc cosine of values. Always returns a double tiled raster. If the absolute value of the cell value is > 1, it will be NaN.

  3. object Add extends LocalTileBinaryOp

    Operation to add values.

    Operation to add values.


    NoData values will cause the results of this operation to be NODATA or Double.NaN.

  4. object And extends LocalTileBinaryOp

    Operation to And values.

    Operation to And values.


    NoData values will cause the results of this operation to be NODATA.


    If used with Double typed rasters, the values will be rounded to Ints.

  5. object Asin extends Serializable

    Operation to get the arc sine of values.

    Operation to get the arc sine of values. Always return a double raster. if abs(cell_value) > 1, return NaN in that cell.

  6. object Atan extends Serializable

    Operation to get the Arc Tangent of values.

    Operation to get the Arc Tangent of values.


    A double raster is always returned.

  7. object Atan2 extends Serializable

    Operation to get the Arc Tangent2 of values.

    Operation to get the Arc Tangent2 of values. The first raster holds the y-values, and the second holds the x values. The arctan is calculated from y/x.


    A double raster is always returned.

  8. object Ceil extends Serializable

    Operation to get the ceiling of values.

  9. object Cos extends Serializable

    Operation to get the Cosine of values.

    Operation to get the Cosine of values.


    Always returns a double or float raster.

  10. object Cosh extends Serializable

    Operation to get the hyperbolic cosine of values.

    Operation to get the hyperbolic cosine of values.


    A double raster is always returned.

  11. object Defined extends Serializable

    Maps values to 0 if the are NoData values, otherwise 1.

  12. object Divide extends LocalTileBinaryOp

    Divides values.

    Divides values.


    NoData values will cause the results of this operation to be NODATA or Double.NaN.

  13. object Equal extends LocalTileComparatorOp

    Determines if values are equal.

    Determines if values are equal. Sets to 1 if true, else 0.

  14. object Floor extends Serializable

    Operation to get the flooring of values.

  15. object Greater extends LocalTileComparatorOp

    Determines if values are greater than other values.

    Determines if values are greater than other values. Sets to 1 if true, else 0.

  16. object GreaterOrEqual extends LocalTileComparatorOp

    Determines if values are greater than or equal to other values.

    Determines if values are greater than or equal to other values. Sets to 1 if true, else 0.

  17. object IfCell extends Serializable

    Maps all cells matching cond to Int trueValue.

  18. object Implicits extends Implicits
  19. object InverseMask extends Serializable
  20. object Less extends LocalTileComparatorOp

    Determines if values are less than other values.

    Determines if values are less than other values. Sets to 1 if true, else 0.

  21. object LessOrEqual extends LocalTileComparatorOp

    Determines if values are less than or equal to other values.

    Determines if values are less than or equal to other values. Sets to 1 if true, else 0.

  22. object Log extends Serializable

    Computes the Log of Tile values.

  23. object Log10 extends Serializable

    Operation to get the Log base 10 of values.

  24. object Majority extends Serializable
  25. object Mask extends Serializable
  26. object Max extends LocalTileBinaryOp

    Gets maximum values.

    Gets maximum values.


    Max handles NoData values such that taking the Max between a value and NoData returns NoData.

  27. object MaxN extends Serializable

    Implementation to find the Nth maximum element of a set of rasters for each cell.

    Implementation to find the Nth maximum element of a set of rasters for each cell. Uses a randomized in-place quick select algorithm that was found to be the fastest on average in benchmarks.

  28. object Mean extends Serializable

    The mean of values at each location in a set of Tiles.

  29. object Min extends LocalTileBinaryOp

    Gets minimum values.

    Gets minimum values.


    Min handles NoData values such that taking the Min between a value and NoData returns NoData.

  30. object MinN extends Serializable

    Implementation to find the Nth minimum element of a set of rasters for each cell.

    Implementation to find the Nth minimum element of a set of rasters for each cell. Uses a randomized in-place quick select algorithm that was found to be the fastest on average in benchmarks.

  31. object Minority extends Serializable
  32. object Multiply extends LocalTileBinaryOp

    Multiplies values.

    Multiplies values.


    NoData values will cause the results of this operation to be NODATA or Double.NaN.

  33. object Negate extends Serializable

    Negate (multiply by -1) each value in a raster.

  34. object Not extends Serializable

    Bitwise negation of Tile.

    Bitwise negation of Tile.


    NotRaster does not currently support Double raster data. If you use a Tile with a Double CellType (FloatConstantNoDataCellType,DoubleConstantNoDataCellType) the data values will be rounded to integers.

  35. object Or extends LocalTileBinaryOp

    Or's cell values of rasters or Int values.

    Or's cell values of rasters or Int values.


    NoData values will cause the results of this operation to be NODATA.


    If used with Double typed rasters, the values will be rounded to Ints.

  36. object Pow extends LocalTileBinaryOp

    Pows values.

    Pows values.


    NoData values will cause the results of this operation to be NODATA or Double.NaN.

  37. object Round extends Serializable

    Computes the Round of Tile or single values.

  38. object Sin extends Serializable

    Operation to get the sine of values.

    Operation to get the sine of values.


    Always returns a double or float raster.

  39. object Sinh extends Serializable

    Operation to get the sinh of values.

    Operation to get the sinh of values.


    Always returns a double or float raster.

  40. object Sqrt extends Serializable

    Operation for taking a square root.

  41. object Subtract extends LocalTileBinaryOp

    Subtracts values.

    Subtracts values.


    NoData values will cause the results of this operation to be NODATA or Double.NaN.

  42. object Tan extends Serializable

    Operation to get the Tangent of values.

    Operation to get the Tangent of values.


    Always returns a double or float raster.

  43. object Tanh extends Serializable

    Operation to get the hyperbolic tangent of values.

    Operation to get the hyperbolic tangent of values.


    Always returns a double or float raster.

  44. object Undefined extends Serializable

    Maps values to 1 if the are NoData values, otherwise 0.

  45. object Unequal extends LocalTileComparatorOp

    Determines if values are equal.

    Determines if values are equal. Sets to 1 if true, else 0.

  46. object Variance extends Serializable

    Implements the incremental algorithm for computing the variance in one sweep.

    Implements the incremental algorithm for computing the variance in one sweep.

    The integer tiles use double precision during the computation since otherwise the algorithm loses its numerical stability.

  47. object Variety extends Serializable

    Variety gives the count of unique values at each location in a set of Tiles.

    Variety gives the count of unique values at each location in a set of Tiles.


    An IntConstantNoDataCellType raster with the count values.

  48. object Xor extends LocalTileBinaryOp

    Xor's cell values of rasters or Int values.

    Xor's cell values of rasters or Int values.


    NoData values will cause the results of this operation to be NODATA.


    If used with Double typed rasters, the values will be rounded to Ints.
