package costdistance
- Alphabetic
- Public
- All
Type Members
- trait Implicits extends AnyRef
- abstract class RDDCostDistanceMethods[K, V] extends MethodExtensions[RDD[(K, V)] with Metadata[TileLayerMetadata[K]]]
Value Members
- object Implicits extends Implicits
This Spark-enabled implementation of the standard cost-distance algorithm mentioned in the "previous work" section of [1] is "heavily inspired" by the MrGeo implementation [2] but does not share any code with it.
This Spark-enabled implementation of the standard cost-distance algorithm mentioned in the "previous work" section of [1] is "heavily inspired" by the MrGeo implementation [2] but does not share any code with it.
1. Tomlin, Dana. "Propagating radial waves of travel cost in a grid." International Journal of Geographical Information Science 24.9 (2010): 1391-1413.