

package process

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
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  2. By inheritance
  1. process
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. class ArgFileRasterLayer extends UntiledRasterLayer

  2. class ArgUrlRasterLayer extends UntiledRasterLayer

  3. type Args = List[Any]

  4. trait AtomicCache[K, V] extends CacheStrategy[K, V]

    Atomic cache provides an atomic getOrInsert(k,v) method This cache assumes that (k,v) pair is immutable

  5. trait BoundedCache[K, V] extends CacheStrategy[K, V]

    A hash backed cache with a size boundary Operations on this cache may required O(N) time to execute (N = size of cache)

  6. trait Cache[T] extends Serializable

    Trait for a T-keyed, any valued cache.

  7. trait CacheStrategy[K, V] extends AnyRef

    Base trait for a caching strategy

  8. class CacheTileLoader extends TileLoader

  9. type Callback[+T] = (List[Any]) ⇒ StepOutput[T]

  10. case class Catalog(name: String, stores: Map[String, DataStore], json: String, source: String) extends Product with Serializable

    Represents a named collection of data stores.

  11. case class Complete[T](value: T, history: History) extends OperationResult[T] with InternalOperationResult[T] with Product with Serializable

    OperationResult for a successful operation.

  12. case class DataStore(name: String, params: Map[String, String], catalogPath: String) extends Product with Serializable

    Represents a location where data can be loaded from (e.

  13. class DiskTileLoader extends TileLoader

  14. class DoubleConstantLayer extends UntiledRasterLayer

  15. case class Error(message: String, history: History) extends OperationResult[Nothing] with InternalOperationResult[Nothing] with Product with Serializable

    OperationResult for a failed operation.

  16. case class FailureHistory(msg: String, trace: String) extends HistoryResult with Product with Serializable

  17. trait HashBackedCache[K, V] extends CacheStrategy[K, V]

    An unbounded hash-backed cache Operations on this cache execute in O(1) time

  18. class HashCache[T] extends Cache[T]

    Simple HashMap backed cache keyed by String and can hold any type.

  19. case class History(id: String, steps: List[StepHistory], result: Option[HistoryResult], startTime: Long, endTime: Long, system: String = "unknown") extends Product with Serializable

  20. sealed trait HistoryResult extends AnyRef

  21. class IntConstantLayer extends UntiledRasterLayer

  22. class LRUCache[K, V] extends HashBackedCache[K, V] with OrderedBoundedCache[K, V] with AtomicCache[K, V] with LoggingCache[K, V]

  23. case class LayerId(store: Option[String], name: String) extends Product with Serializable

    A LayerId describes a layer in the catalog.

  24. class LayerLoader extends AnyRef

    LayerLoader will be passed into Operation[T]'s that mix in the LayerOp trait right before 'run' is called on the operation step and cleared afterwards.

  25. trait LoggingCache[K, V] extends CacheStrategy[K, V]

  26. class MRUCache[K, V] extends HashBackedCache[K, V] with OrderedBoundedCache[K, V] with AtomicCache[K, V] with LoggingCache[K, V]

  27. class NoCacheStrategy[K, V] extends CacheStrategy[K, V]

    A Cache Strategy that completely ignores caching and always returns the input object Operations on this cache execute in O(1) time

  28. sealed trait OperationResult[+T] extends AnyRef

    OperationResult contains an operation's results.

  29. trait OrderedBoundedCache[K, V] extends BoundedCache[K, V]

  30. abstract class RasterLayer extends AnyRef

    Represents a Raster Layer that can give detailed information about the Raster it represents, cache the raster, and get the raster cropped to an extent or at a different resolution.

  31. trait RasterLayerBuilder extends AnyRef

    Defines a RasterLayerBuilder that can be used to add raster layer types to GeoTrellis.

  32. case class RasterLayerInfo(id: LayerId, rasterType: RasterType, rasterExtent: RasterExtent, epsg: Int, xskew: Double, yskew: Double, tileLayout: TileLayout, shouldCache: Boolean = false) extends Product with Serializable

  33. abstract class RasterLayerType extends AnyRef

  34. class Server extends Serializable

  35. case class StepHistory(opHistories: List[History]) extends Product with Serializable

  36. case class SuccessHistory(value: String) extends HistoryResult with Product with Serializable

  37. abstract class TileLoader extends Serializable

  38. class TileSetRasterLayer extends RasterLayer

  39. abstract class UntiledRasterLayer extends RasterLayer

Value Members

  1. object ArgFile extends RasterLayerType with Product with Serializable

  2. object ArgFileRasterLayerBuilder extends RasterLayerBuilder

  3. object ArgUrlRasterLayerBuilder extends RasterLayerBuilder

  4. object AsciiFile extends RasterLayerType with Product with Serializable

  5. object Catalog extends Serializable

  6. object ConstantRaster extends RasterLayerType with Product with Serializable

  7. object ConstantRasterLayerBuilder extends RasterLayerBuilder

  8. object History extends Serializable

  9. object LayerId extends Serializable

  10. object RasterLayer

  11. object RasterLayerInfo extends Serializable

  12. object RasterLayerType

  13. object Server extends Serializable

  14. object TileSetRasterLayer

  15. object TileSetRasterLayerBuilder extends RasterLayerBuilder

  16. object Tiled extends RasterLayerType with Product with Serializable

  17. object TreeChars

  18. package actors

  19. package json

  20. def log(msg: String): Unit

  21. def time(): Long

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
