

package geometry

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. geometry
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. case class AsPolygonSet[D](geom: Op[Geometry[D]]) extends Operation[List[Polygon[D]]] with Product with Serializable

    Returns a Geometry as a Polygon Set.

  2. case class Buffer[A](g: Op[Geometry[A]], distance: Op[Double], detail: Op[Int], endCapStyle: EndCapStyle) extends Op3[Geometry[A], Double, Int, Geometry[A] with Product] with Product with Serializable

    Computes a buffer area around this geometry.

  3. case class BufferWithParameters[A](f: Op[Geometry[A]], distance: Op[Double], params: BufferParameters) extends Op3[Geometry[A], Double, BufferParameters, Geometry[A] with Product] with Product with Serializable

    Computes a buffer area around with geometry based on specified buffer parameters.

  4. case class Contains(g: Op[Geometry[_]], other: Op[Geometry[_]]) extends Op2[Geometry[_], Geometry[_], Boolean] with Product with Serializable

    Tests if one geometry contains another.

  5. case class ConvexHull[A](g: Op[Geometry[A]]) extends Op1[Geometry[A], Geometry[A] with Product] with Product with Serializable

    Returns the convex hull of this geometry, which is the smallest polygon that contains it.

  6. case class CountPoints(points: Op[Seq[Point[_]]], rasterExtent: Op[RasterExtent]) extends Op2[Seq[Point[_]], RasterExtent, Raster] with Product with Serializable

    Gives a raster that represents the number of occuring points per cell.

  7. case class Covers(g: Op[Geometry[_]], other: Op[Geometry[_]]) extends Op2[Geometry[_], Geometry[_], Boolean] with Product with Serializable

    Tests if one geometry covers another.

  8. case class Disjoint(g: Op[Geometry[_]], other: Op[Geometry[_]]) extends Op2[Geometry[_], Geometry[_], Boolean] with Product with Serializable

    Tests if two geometries are disjoint.

  9. sealed abstract class EndCapStyle extends AnyRef

  10. case class Equals[A](g: Op[Geometry[_]], other: Op[Geometry[_]]) extends Op2[Geometry[_], Geometry[_], Boolean] with Product with Serializable

    Tests if one geometry equals another.

  11. case class Erase[A](g: Op[Geometry[A]], other: Op[Geometry[_]]) extends Op2[Geometry[A], Geometry[_], Geometry[A] with Product] with Product with Serializable

    Returns a geometry that contains the points in the first geometry that aren't in the second geometry.

  12. case class FlattenGeometry[D](g1: Op[Geometry[D]]) extends Operation[List[Geometry[D]]] with Product with Serializable

    Given a Geometry object, inspect the underlying geometry type and recursively flatten it if it is a GeometryCollection

  13. case class ForEachCellByFeature[G[_] <: Geometry[_], D](feature: Op[G[D]], re: Op[RasterExtent])(f: Callback[G, D]) extends Op2[G[D], RasterExtent, Unit] with Product with Serializable

    Invoke a function on each cell under provided features.

  14. case class GetArea(g: Op[Geometry[_]]) extends Op1[Geometry[_], Double] with Product with Serializable

    Returns the area of a geometry.

  15. case class GetCentroid[A](f: Op[Geometry[A]]) extends Op1[Geometry[A], Geometry[A] with Product] with Product with Serializable

    Computes the centroid of this geometry.

  16. case class GetDistance(g: Op[Geometry[_]], other: Op[Geometry[_]]) extends Op2[Geometry[_], Geometry[_], Double] with Product with Serializable

    Returns the minimum distance between these two geometries.

  17. case class GetEnvelope[A](f: Op[Geometry[A]]) extends Op1[Geometry[A], Geometry[A] with Product] with Product with Serializable

    Returns this Geometry's bounding box.

  18. case class GetSymDifference[A](g: Op[Geometry[A]], other: Op[Geometry[_]]) extends Op2[Geometry[A], Geometry[_], Geometry[A] with Product] with Product with Serializable

    Returns a geometry defined by the points that are in one of the two geometries but not the other.

  19. case class IDWInterpolate(points: Op[Seq[Point[Int]]], re: Op[RasterExtent], radius: Op[Option[Int]] = ...) extends Op3[Seq[Point[Int]], RasterExtent, Option[Int], Raster] with Product with Serializable

    IDW Interpolation

  20. case class Intersect[A](g: Op[Geometry[A]], other: Op[Geometry[_]]) extends Op2[Geometry[A], Geometry[_], Geometry[A] with Product] with Product with Serializable

    Returns the intersection of these geometries.

  21. case class Intersects(g: Op[Geometry[_]], other: Op[Geometry[_]]) extends Op2[Geometry[_], Geometry[_], Boolean] with Product with Serializable

    Tests if one geometry intersects another.

  22. case class KernelDensity[D](points: Op[Seq[Point[D]]], transform: Op[(D) ⇒ Int], kernel: Op[Kernel], rasterExtent: Op[RasterExtent]) extends Op4[Seq[Point[D]], (D) ⇒ Int, Kernel, RasterExtent, Raster] with Product with Serializable

    Computes a Density raster based on the Kernel and set of points provided.

  23. case class Overlaps(g: Op[Geometry[_]], other: Op[Geometry[_]]) extends Op2[Geometry[_], Geometry[_], Boolean] with Product with Serializable

    Tests if one geometry overlaps another.

  24. case class Rasterize[D](feature: Op[Geometry[D]], re: Op[RasterExtent])(f: Transformer[Geometry, D, Int]) extends Op2[Geometry[D], RasterExtent, Raster] with Product with Serializable

  25. case class RasterizeWithValue[D](feature: Op[Geometry[D]], re: Op[RasterExtent], value: Op[Int]) extends Op3[Geometry[D], RasterExtent, Int, Raster] with Product with Serializable

  26. case class Simplify[A](g: Op[Geometry[A]], distanceTolerance: Op[Double]) extends Op2[Geometry[A], Double, Geometry[A] with Product] with Product with Serializable

    Simplify a polygon or multipolygon.

  27. case class Union[A](g: Op[Geometry[A]], other: Op[Geometry[_]]) extends Op2[Geometry[A], Geometry[_], Geometry[A] with Product] with Product with Serializable

    Returns the union of these geometries.

Value Members

  1. val AsFeature: (Op[Extent]) ⇒ Op1[Extent, Polygon[None.type]]

  2. object Buffer extends Serializable

  3. object EndCapFlat extends EndCapStyle with Product with Serializable

  4. object EndCapRound extends EndCapStyle with Product with Serializable

  5. object EndCapSquare extends EndCapStyle with Product with Serializable

  6. object GetDifference

  7. val GetExtent: (Op[Raster]) ⇒ Op1[Raster, Extent]

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
