

package stat

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class BuildColorBreaks(breaks: Op[Array[Int]], colors: Op[Array[Int]]) extends Op2[Array[Int], Array[Int], ColorBreaks] with Product with Serializable

  2. case class BuildColorMapper(colorBreaks: Op[ColorBreaks], noDataColor: Op[Int]) extends Op2[ColorBreaks, Int, ColorMapper] with Product with Serializable

  3. case class GetClassBreaks(h: Op[Histogram], n: Op[Int]) extends Op[Array[Int]] with Product with Serializable

    Generate quantile class breaks for a given raster.

  4. case class GetColorBreaks(h: Op[Histogram], cs: Op[Array[Int]]) extends Op[ColorBreaks] with Product with Serializable

    Generate quantile class breaks with assigned colors.

  5. case class GetColorsFromPalette(palette: Op[Array[Int]], num: Op[Int]) extends Op2[Array[Int], Int, Array[Int]] with Product with Serializable

    Creates a range of colors interpolated from a smaller set of colors.

  6. case class GetDoubleHistogram(r: Op[Raster], significantDigits: Int) extends Reducer1[FastMapHistogram, Histogram] with Product with Serializable

    Create a histogram from double values in a raster.

  7. case class GetHistogramArray(r: Op[Raster], n: Op[Int]) extends Reducer2[Int, ArrayHistogram, Histogram] with Product with Serializable

    Implements a histogram in terms of an array of the given size.

  8. case class GetHistogramMap(r: Op[Raster]) extends Reducer1[FastMapHistogram, Histogram] with Product with Serializable

    Implements a histogram in terms of a map.

  9. case class GetMinMax(r: Op[Raster]) extends Op1[Raster, (Int, Int)] with Product with Serializable

    Find the minimum and maximum value of a raster.

  10. case class GetStandardDeviation(r: Op[Raster], h: Op[Histogram], factor: Int) extends Op[Raster] with Product with Serializable

  11. case class GetStatistics(h: Op[Histogram]) extends Op1[Histogram, Statistics] with Product with Serializable

    Determine statistical data for the given histogram.

  12. case class Max(r: Op[Raster]) extends Reducer1[Int, Int] with Product with Serializable

  13. case class Min(r: Op[Raster]) extends Reducer1[Int, Int] with Product with Serializable

  14. case class MinMax(r: Op[Raster]) extends Reducer1[(Int, Int), (Int, Int)] with Product with Serializable

    Find the minimum and maximum values of a raster.

Value Members

  1. object GetHistogram

    Contains several different operations for building a histograms of a raster.
