

package io

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class CsvIntMap(path: String, delimiter: String) extends Op2[String, String, Map[(String, String), Int]] with Product with Serializable

    Create a Map of (String,String) => Int from a CSV file of the format: String,String,Int

  2. case class LoadFile(p: Op[String]) extends Operation[Raster] with Product with Serializable

    Load the raster data for a particular extent/resolution from the specified file.

  3. case class LoadFileWithRasterExtent(p: Op[String], e: Op[RasterExtent]) extends Operation[Raster] with Product with Serializable

    Load the raster data from the specified file, using the RasterExtent provided.

  4. case class LoadGeoJsonFeature(geojson: Op[String]) extends Op1[String, Geometry[Option[JsonNode]]] with Product with Serializable

    Load a feature from GeoJson.

  5. case class LoadRaster(n: Op[String], r: Op[RasterExtent]) extends Op[Raster] with Product with Serializable

    Load the raster data for a particular extent/resolution from the specified file.

  6. case class LoadRasterExtent(nme: Op[String]) extends Op[RasterExtent] with Product with Serializable

    Load the RasterExtent from the raster layer with the specified name.

  7. case class LoadRasterExtentFromFile(path: String) extends Op1[String, RasterExtent] with Product with Serializable

    Load the RasterExtent from the raster in the specified file.

  8. case class LoadRasterMetadataFromFile(path: String) extends Op1[String, RasterExtent] with Product with Serializable

    Load the geotrellis.process.RasterLayer, a representation of the raster metadata, from the raster in the specified file.

  9. case class LoadTileSet(path: Op[String]) extends Op[Raster] with Product with Serializable

    Load the a set of tiles the specified directory.

  10. case class LoadWkt(wkt: String) extends Op1[String, Product with Serializable with Feature[Geometry, Unit] { ... /* 2 definitions in type refinement */ }] with Product with Serializable

    Reads feature data from a string of Well Known Text data.

  11. case class RenderGeoTiff(r: Op[Raster], compression: Compression) extends Op1[Raster, Array[Byte]] with Product with Serializable

    Render a raster as a GeoTiff.

  12. case class RenderPng(r: Op[Raster], colorBreaks: Op[ColorBreaks], h: Op[Histogram], noDataColor: Op[Int]) extends Op4[Raster, ColorBreaks, Histogram, Int, Array[Byte]] with Product with Serializable

    Generate a PNG image from a raster.

  13. case class RenderPngRgba(r: Op[Raster]) extends Op1[Raster, Array[Byte]] with Product with Serializable

    Generate a PNG from a raster of RGBA integer values.

  14. case class SimpleRenderPng(r: Op[Raster], colorRamp: Op[ColorRamp] = ...) extends Op[Array[Byte]] with Product with Serializable

    Generate a PNG image from a data raster.

  15. case class WritePng(r: Op[Raster], path: Op[String], colorBreaks: Op[ColorBreaks], h: Op[Histogram], noDataColor: Op[Int]) extends Op5[Raster, String, ColorBreaks, Histogram, Int, Unit] with Product with Serializable

    Write out a PNG graphic file to the file system at the specified path.

  16. case class WritePngRgba(r: Op[Raster], path: Op[String]) extends Op2[Raster, String, Unit] with Product with Serializable

    Write out a PNG file of a raster that contains RGBA values)

Value Members

  1. object LoadFile extends Serializable

  2. object LoadGeoJson

  3. object LoadRaster extends Serializable
