

package raster

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class CroppedArrayRasterData(underlying: ArrayRasterData, rasterExtent: RasterExtent, colOffset: Int, rowOffset: Int, cols: Int, rows: Int) extends ArrayRasterData with Product with Serializable

    This trait represents a raster data which represents a lazily-applied cropping of an underlying raster data object.

  2. case class CroppedTiledRasterData(underlying: TiledRasterData, rasterExtent: RasterExtent, colOffset: Int, rowOffset: Int, _cols: Int, _rows: Int) extends TiledRasterData with Product with Serializable

    This trait represents a raster data which represents a lazily-applied cropping of an underlying raster data object.

  3. final case class DoubleConstant(n: Double, cols: Int, rows: Int) extends StrictRasterData with Product with Serializable

  4. final case class IntConstant(n: Int, cols: Int, rows: Int) extends StrictRasterData with Product with Serializable

  5. case class LazyTiledCombine(data1: TiledRasterData, data2: TiledRasterData, g: (Int, Int) ⇒ Int) extends TiledRasterData with Product with Serializable

    This lazy, tiled raster data represents two tiled raster data objects combined with a function.

  6. case class LazyTiledMap(data: TiledRasterData, g: (Int) ⇒ Int) extends LazyTiledRasterData with Product with Serializable

    This lazy, tiled raster data represents a map over a tiled raster data.

  7. case class LazyTiledMapIfSet(data: TiledRasterData, g: (Int) ⇒ Int) extends LazyTiledRasterData with Product with Serializable

    This lazy, tiled raster data represents a mapIfSet over a tiled raster data.

  8. trait LazyTiledRasterData extends TiledRasterData

    This trait provides some methods in terms of underlying raster data.

  9. case class LazyTiledWrapper(data: ArrayRasterData, tileLayout: TileLayout, rasterExtent: RasterExtent) extends TiledRasterData with Product with Serializable

    This RasterData warps an existing ArrayRasterData so as to allow operations on it to be executed in parallel.

  10. case class LazyViewWrapper(data: ArrayRasterData, cols: Int, rows: Int, col1: Int, row1: Int, col2: Int, row2: Int) extends LazyRasterData with Product with Serializable

    This RasterData class is used by LazyTiledWrapper to encompass a particular chunk of an underlying ArrayRaster.

  11. final case class MaskedArrayRasterData(data: ArrayRasterData, col1: Int, row1: Int, col2: Int, row2: Int) extends LazyRasterData with Wrapper with Product with Serializable

    NOTE: col1 and row1 (upper left) is inclusive, while col2 and row2 (lower right) is not.

  12. case class ResampledArrayRasterData(underlying: ArrayRasterData, src: RasterExtent, dst: RasterExtent) extends ArrayRasterData with Product with Serializable

    This trait represents a raster data which represents a lazily-applied cropping of an underlying raster data object.

  13. case class ResolutionLayout(xs: Array[Double], ys: Array[Double], cw: Double, ch: Double, pcols: Int, prows: Int) extends Product with Serializable

    For a particular resolution and tile layout, this class stores the geographical boundaries of each tile extent.

  14. case class TileArrayRasterData(tiles: Array[Raster], tileLayout: TileLayout, rasterExtent: RasterExtent) extends TiledRasterData with Product with Serializable

    This RasterData wraps an array of tile Rasters in memory.

  15. case class TileLayout(tileCols: Int, tileRows: Int, pixelCols: Int, pixelRows: Int) extends Product with Serializable

    This class stores the layout of a tiled raster: the number of tiles (in cols/rows) and also the size of each tile (in cols/rows of pixels).

  16. case class TileSetRasterData(basePath: String, name: String, typ: RasterType, tileLayout: TileLayout, rasterExtent: RasterExtent, server: Server) extends TiledRasterData with Product with Serializable

    This RasterData uses no in-memory caching and loads all tile data from disk when needed.

  17. trait TiledRasterData extends RasterData

Value Members

  1. object CroppedArrayRasterData extends Serializable

  2. object CroppedRaster extends AnyRef

  3. object LazyTiledWrapper extends Serializable

  4. object TileUtils extends AnyRef

    Utility functions for working with web mercator tile systems.

  5. object Tiler extends AnyRef

    Used to create tiled rasters, as well as tilesets on the filesystem, based on a source raster.

  6. package op