

package operation

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class Add (rs: Op[IntRaster]*) extends Op[IntRaster] with MultiLocal with Product with Serializable

    Add the values of each cell in each raster.

  2. case class AddArray (op: Op[Array[IntRaster]]) extends Op[IntRaster] with MultiLocalArray with Product with Serializable

    Add the values of each cell in each raster.

  3. case class AddConstant (r: Op[IntRaster], c: Op[Int]) extends Op[IntRaster] with WithIntConstant with Product with Serializable

    Add a constant value to each cell.

  4. case class AddInlinedConstant (r: Op[IntRaster], c: Int) extends Op[IntRaster] with Product with Serializable

  5. case class AddLiteralConstant (r: Op[IntRaster], c: Int) extends Op[IntRaster] with SimpleUnaryLocal with Product with Serializable

  6. case class AutomaticNormalize (r: Op[IntRaster], g: Op[(Int, Int)]) extends Op2[IntRaster, (Int, Int), IntRaster] with Product with Serializable

    Normalize the values in the given raster so that all values are within the specified minimum and maximum value range.

  7. case class BinaryDoCell (r1: Op[IntRaster], r2: Op[IntRaster], f: (Int, Int) ⇒ Int) extends Op[IntRaster] with BinaryLocal with Product with Serializable

    Perform a function on every cell in a raster with the values from another raster.

  8. case class BinaryIfCell (r1: Op[IntRaster], r2: Op[IntRaster], cond: (Int, Int) ⇒ Boolean, trueValue: Int) extends Op[IntRaster] with BinaryLocal with Product with Serializable

    Given a condition over two rasters, set the value of each cell in the output to a specified value if the condition is true given the corresponding values in each of the two input rasters.

  9. case class BinaryIfElseCell (r1: Op[IntRaster], r2: Op[IntRaster], cond: (Int, Int) ⇒ Boolean, trueValue: Int, falseValue: Int) extends Op[IntRaster] with BinaryLocal with Product with Serializable

    Given a condition over two rasters, set the value of each cell in the output to a specified true or false value after testing the specified condition on the corresponding values in each of the two input rasters.

  10. trait BinaryLocal extends Op[IntRaster] with LocalOperation

    BinaryLocal is an abstract class for all operations that are both local (operating on each cell in a raster without knowledge of other cells) and binary, by which we mean that the input includes two rasters (as opposed to 'unary' or 'multi').

  11. case class Bitmask (r: Op[IntRaster], c: Op[Int]) extends Op[IntRaster] with WithIntConstant with Product with Serializable

    Bitmask each cell by a constant value.

  12. case class BuildArrayHistogram (r: Op[IntRaster], size: Op[Int]) extends Op2[IntRaster, Int, Histogram] with Product with Serializable

    Build an array histogram (see ArrayHistogram of values from a raster.

  13. case class BuildColorBreaks (breaks: Op[Array[Int]], colors: Op[Array[Int]]) extends Op2[Array[Int], Array[Int], ColorBreaks] with Product with Serializable

  14. case class BuildColorMapper (colorBreaks: Op[ColorBreaks], noDataColor: Op[Int]) extends Op2[ColorBreaks, Int, ColorMapper] with Product with Serializable

  15. case class BuildCompressedArrayHistogram (r: Op[IntRaster], vmin: Int, vmax: Int, size: Int) extends Operation[Histogram] with BuildHistogram with Product with Serializable

    Build a histogram (using the CompressedArrayHistogram strategy) from this raster.

  16. case class BuildExtent (xmin: Op[Double], ymin: Op[Double], xmax: Op[Double], ymax: Op[Double]) extends Op4[Double, Double, Double, Double, Extent] with Product with Serializable

  17. trait BuildHistogram extends Operation[Histogram]

    Generic trait used by the various histogram-building operations.

  18. case class BuildMapHistogram (r: Op[IntRaster]) extends Op1[IntRaster, Histogram] with Product with Serializable

    Build a histogram (using the MapHistogram strategy) from this raster.

  19. case class BuildRasterExtent (extent: Op[Extent], cols: Op[Int], rows: Op[Int]) extends Op3[Extent, Int, Int, RasterExtent] with Product with Serializable

    Given a geographical extent and grid height/width, return an object used to load raster data.

  20. case class BurnMultiPolygons (r: Op[IntRaster], mps: Op[Array[MultiPolygon]]) extends Op2[IntRaster, Array[MultiPolygon], IntRaster] with Product with Serializable

  21. case class BurnPolygon (r: Op[IntRaster], p: Op[Polygon]) extends Op2[IntRaster, Polygon, IntRaster] with Product with Serializable

    Rasterize a polygon and then draw it on the provided raster.

  22. case class BurnPolygons (r: Op[IntRaster], ps: Op[Array[Polygon]]) extends Op2[IntRaster, Array[Polygon], IntRaster] with Product with Serializable

    Rasterize an array of polygons and then draw them into the provided raster.

  23. case class BurnPolygonsWithTransform (r: Op[IntRaster], ps: Array[Op[Polygon]], fs: Array[(Int) ⇒ Int]) extends Op[IntRaster] with Product with Serializable

    Rasterize an array of polygons and then draw them into the provided raster.

  24. case class BurnPolygonsWithValue (r: Op[IntRaster], ps: Op[Array[Polygon]], v: Op[Int]) extends Op3[IntRaster, Array[Polygon], Int, IntRaster] with Product with Serializable

    Rasterize an array of polygons and then draw them into the provided raster.

  25. case class ChunkRasterExtent (re: Op[RasterExtent], nx: Op[Int], ny: Op[Int]) extends Op3[RasterExtent, Int, Int, Array[RasterExtent]] with Product with Serializable

    Used to chunk a RasterExtent object (geographical extent + grid information) into many smaller contiguous pieces.

  26. case class CollectArray [A] (ops: Array[Op[A]], evidence$1: Manifest[A]) extends Op[Array[A]] with Product with Serializable

  27. case class ColorsFromPalette (palette: Op[Array[Int]], num: Op[Int]) extends Op2[Array[Int], Int, Array[Int]] with Product with Serializable

  28. case class CombineExtents (e1: Op[Extent], e2: Op[Extent]) extends Op2[Extent, Extent, Extent] with Product with Serializable

  29. case class CopyRaster (r: Op[IntRaster]) extends Op1[IntRaster, IntRaster] with Product with Serializable

    Given an operation producing a raster, returns a copy of this raster.

  30. case class CreateRaster (re: Op[RasterExtent]) extends Op1[RasterExtent, IntRaster] with Product with Serializable

    Creates an empty raster object based on the given raster properties.

  31. case class CreateSimplePolygon (pts: Op[Array[(Double, Double)]], v: Op[Int]) extends Op2[Array[(Double, Double)], Int, Polygon] with Product with Serializable

    Create a Polygon from an array of coordinates represented as a tuple (x,y).

  32. case class CropRasterExtent (r: Op[RasterExtent], e: Op[Extent]) extends Op2[RasterExtent, Extent, RasterExtent] with Product with Serializable

    Given a geographical extent and grid height/width, return an object used to load raster data.

  33. case class CropRasterExtentByExtent (g: Op[RasterExtent], e: Op[Extent]) extends Op2[RasterExtent, Extent, RasterExtent] with Product with Serializable

    Given a geographical extent and grid height/width, return an object used to load raster data.

  34. case class CsvIntMap (path: String, delimiter: String) extends Op2[String, String, Map[(String, String), Int]] with Product with Serializable

    Create a Map of (String,String) => Int from a CSV file of the format: String,String,Int

  35. type DispatchedOp [T] = DispatchedOperation[T]

    Definition Classes
  36. case class DispatchedOperation [T] (op: Op[T], dispatcher: ActorRef) extends OperationWrapper[T] with Product with Serializable

  37. case class Divide (r1: Op[IntRaster], r2: Op[IntRaster]) extends Op[IntRaster] with BinaryLocal with Product with Serializable

    Divide each value of one raster with the values from another raster.

  38. case class DivideConstant (r: Op[IntRaster], c: Op[Int]) extends Op[IntRaster] with WithIntConstant with Product with Serializable

    Divide each cell by a constant value.

  39. case class DivideConstantBy (c: Op[Int], r: Op[IntRaster]) extends Op[IntRaster] with WithIntConstant with Product with Serializable

    For each cell, divide a constant value by that cell's value.

  40. case class DivideDoubleConstant (r: Op[IntRaster], c: Op[Double]) extends Op[IntRaster] with WithDoubleConstant with Product with Serializable

  41. case class DivideDoubleConstantBy (c: Op[Double], r: Op[IntRaster]) extends Op[IntRaster] with WithDoubleConstant with Product with Serializable

  42. case class DoCell (r: Op[IntRaster], f: (Int) ⇒ Int) extends Op[IntRaster] with SimpleUnaryLocal with Product with Serializable

    Perform a function on every cell in a raster.

  43. case class FindClassBreaks (h: Op[Histogram], n: Op[Int]) extends Op[Array[Int]] with Product with Serializable

    Generate quantile class breaks for a given raster.

  44. case class FindColorBreaks (h: Op[Histogram], cs: Op[Array[Int]]) extends Op[ColorBreaks] with Product with Serializable

    Generate quantile class breaks with assigned colors.

  45. case class FindMinMax (r: Op[IntRaster]) extends Op1[IntRaster, (Int, Int)] with Product with Serializable

    Find the minimum and maximum value of a raster.

  46. case class ForEach [A, Z] (op: Op[Array[A]], f: (A) ⇒ Op[Z], evidence$1: Manifest[Z]) extends Op[Array[Z]] with Product with Serializable

    Evaluates the given operation (op) to get an array of A's.

  47. case class ForEach2 [A, B, Z] (opA: Op[Array[A]], opB: Op[Array[B]], f: (A, B) ⇒ Op[Z], evidence$2: Manifest[Z]) extends Op[Array[Z]] with Product with Serializable

    Evaluates the given operations (opA and opB) to get an array of A's and an array of B's.

  48. case class ForEach3 [A, B, C, Z] (opA: Op[Array[A]], opB: Op[Array[B]], opC: Op[Array[C]], f: (A, B, C) ⇒ Op[Z], evidence$3: Manifest[Z]) extends Op[Array[Z]] with Product with Serializable

    Evaluates the given operations (opA opB, and opC) to get arrays of A's, B's and C's (which should be the same length).

  49. case class ForEachTile (r: Op[IntRaster], f: (Op[IntRaster]) ⇒ Op[IntRaster]) extends Op[IntRaster] with Product with Serializable

    Perform an operation on every tile in a tileset, and return the new tileset.

  50. case class GenerateStatistics (h: Op[Histogram]) extends Op1[Histogram, Statistics] with Product with Serializable

    Determine statistical data for the given histogram.

  51. case class GetPolygonExtent (p: Op[Polygon]) extends Op1[Polygon, Extent] with Product with Serializable

    Return the extent of a given polygon.

  52. case class GetRasterExtent (r: Op[IntRaster]) extends Op1[IntRaster, RasterExtent] with Product with Serializable

    Get the geotrellis.geoattrs.RasterExtent from a given raster.

  53. case class GetUnaryFunction (op: UnaryLocal) extends Op[UnaryF] with Product with Serializable

  54. case class Hillshade (r: Op[IntRaster], azimuth: Op[Double], altitude: Op[Double]) extends Op3[IntRaster, Double, Double, IntRaster] with Product with Serializable

    Hillshade creates a raster that, visually, adds a three dimensional appearance to an elevation raster.

  55. case class Identity (r: Op[IntRaster]) extends Op[IntRaster] with SimpleUnaryLocal with Product with Serializable

    Suspiciously similar to CopyRaster, Identity returns a new raster with the values of the given raster.

  56. case class IfCell (r: Op[IntRaster], cond: (Int) ⇒ Boolean, trueValue: Int) extends Op[IntRaster] with SimpleUnaryLocal with Product with Serializable

    Maps all cells matching cond to trueValue.

  57. case class IfElseCell (r: Op[IntRaster], cond: (Int) ⇒ Boolean, trueValue: Int, falseValue: Int) extends Op[IntRaster] with SimpleUnaryLocal with Product with Serializable

    Set all values of output raster to one value or another based on whether a condition is true or false.

  58. case class InverseMask (r1: Op[IntRaster], r2: Op[IntRaster], readMask: Int, writeMask: Int) extends Op[IntRaster] with BinaryLocal with Product with Serializable

    Generate a raster with the values from the first raster, but only include cells in which the corresponding cell in the second raster is set to the "readMask" value.

  59. class Kernel extends AnyRef

    Used for Kernel Density calculation

  60. case class KernelDensity (outputRasterExtent: Op[RasterExtent], kernel: Op[Kernel], points: Op[Array[Point]]) extends Op3[RasterExtent, Kernel, Array[Point], IntRaster] with Product with Serializable

    Compute the kernel density of a set of points onto a raster

  61. case class Literal [A] (a: A, evidence$1: Manifest[A]) extends Op[A] with Product with Serializable

    Return the literal value specified.

  62. case class LoadFile (p: Op[String]) extends Operation[IntRaster] with Product with Serializable

    Load the raster data for a particular extent/resolution from the specified file.

  63. case class LoadFileWithRasterExtent (p: Op[String], e: Op[RasterExtent]) extends Operation[IntRaster] with Product with Serializable

  64. case class LoadRaster (n: Op[String], r: Op[RasterExtent]) extends Op[IntRaster] with Product with Serializable

    Load the raster data for a particular extent/resolution from the specified file.

  65. case class LoadRasterExtent (nme: Op[String]) extends Op[RasterExtent] with Product with Serializable

  66. case class LoadRasterExtentFromFile (path: String) extends Op1[String, RasterExtent] with Product with Serializable

    Load the geotrellis.geoattrs.RasterExtent from the raster in the specified file.

  67. type LocalOp = LocalOperation

    Definition Classes
  68. trait LocalOperation extends Op[IntRaster]

    Local operations involve each individual value in a raster without information about other values in the raster.

  69. case class Map1 [A, Z] (a: Op[A], call: (A) ⇒ Z, evidence$1: Manifest[A], evidence$2: Manifest[Z]) extends Op[Z] with Product with Serializable

    Map an Op[A] into an Op[Z] using a function from A => Z.

  70. case class Map2 [A, B, Z] (a: Op[A], b: Op[B], call: (A, B) ⇒ Z, evidence$1: Manifest[A], evidence$2: Manifest[B], evidence$3: Manifest[Z]) extends Op[Z] with Product with Serializable

    Map an Op[A] and Op[B] into an Op[Z] using a function from (A,B) => Z.

  71. case class Mask (r1: Op[IntRaster], r2: Op[IntRaster], readMask: Int, writeMask: Int) extends Op[IntRaster] with BinaryLocal with Product with Serializable

    Generate a raster with the values from the first raster, but only include cells in which the corresponding cell in the second raster *are not* set to the "readMask" value.

  72. case class MaxConstant (r: Op[IntRaster], c: Op[Int]) extends Op[IntRaster] with WithIntConstant with Product with Serializable

    Set each cell to a constant number or the corresponding cell value, whichever is highest.

  73. case class MinConstant (r: Op[IntRaster], c: Op[Int]) extends Op[IntRaster] with WithIntConstant with Product with Serializable

    Set each cell to a constant or its existing value, whichever is lowest.

  74. trait MultiLocal extends Op[IntRaster] with LocalOperation

  75. trait MultiLocalArray extends Op[IntRaster]

  76. case class Multiply (rs: Op[IntRaster]*) extends Op[IntRaster] with MultiLocal with Product with Serializable

    Multiply each cell of each raster.

  77. case class MultiplyArray (op: Op[Array[IntRaster]]) extends Op[IntRaster] with MultiLocalArray with Product with Serializable

    Multiply each cell of each raster in array.

  78. case class MultiplyConstant (r: Op[IntRaster], c: Op[Int]) extends Op[IntRaster] with WithIntConstant with Product with Serializable

    Multiply each cell by a constant.

  79. case class MultiplyDoubleConstant (r: Op[IntRaster], c: Op[Double]) extends Op[IntRaster] with WithDoubleConstant with Product with Serializable

  80. case class Negate (r: Op[IntRaster]) extends Op[IntRaster] with SimpleUnaryLocal with Product with Serializable

    Negate (multiply by -1) each value in a raster.

  81. type Op [A] = Operation[A]

    Definition Classes
  82. class Op0 [T] extends Operation[T]

    Below are the Op0 - Op6 abstract classes.

  83. class Op1 [A, T] extends Operation[T]

  84. class Op2 [A, B, T] extends Operation[T]

  85. class Op3 [A, B, C, T] extends Operation[T]

  86. class Op4 [A, B, C, D, T] extends Operation[T]

  87. class Op5 [A, B, C, D, E, T] extends Operation[T]

  88. class Op6 [A, B, C, D, E, F, T] extends Operation[T]

  89. class Operation [T] extends Product

    Base Operation for all Trellis functionality.

  90. class OperationWrapper [T] extends Operation[T]

  91. case class ParseDouble (s: Op[String]) extends Op1[String, Double] with Product with Serializable

    Parse a string as a double.

  92. case class ParseExtent (s: Op[String]) extends Op1[String, Extent] with Product with Serializable

  93. case class ParseHexInt (s: Op[String]) extends Op1[String, Int] with Product with Serializable

    Parse a string as a base-16 integer.

  94. case class ParseInt (s: Op[String]) extends Op1[String, Int] with Product with Serializable

    Parse a string as an integer.

  95. case class PolygonExtent (p: Op[Polygon], e: Op[Extent]) extends Op2[Polygon, Extent, List[Polygon]] with Product with Serializable

    Return the extent of a given polygon.

  96. case class PolygonalZonalHistograms (ps: Array[Op[Polygon]], r: Op[IntRaster], size: Int) extends Op[Array[Histogram]] with Product with Serializable

    Given a raster and an array of polygons, return a histogram summary of the cells within each polygon.

  97. case class PowConstant (r: Op[IntRaster], c: Op[Int]) extends Op[IntRaster] with WithIntConstant with Product with Serializable

    Raise each cell to the cth power.

  98. case class PowDoubleConstant (r: Op[IntRaster], c: Op[Double]) extends Op[IntRaster] with WithDoubleConstant with Product with Serializable

  99. case class PrecomputedNormalize (r: Op[IntRaster], c: Op[(Int, Int)], g: Op[(Int, Int)]) extends Op3[IntRaster, (Int, Int), (Int, Int), IntRaster] with Product with Serializable

    Normalize the values in the given raster.

  100. case class RenderPNG (r: Op[IntRaster], colorBreaks: Op[ColorBreaks], noDataColor: Op[Int], transparent: Op[Boolean]) extends Op4[IntRaster, ColorBreaks, Int, Boolean, Array[Byte]] with Product with Serializable

    Generate a PNG from a given raster and a set of color breaks.

  101. case class RenderPNG3 (r: Op[IntRaster], mapper: Op[ColorMapper]) extends Op2[IntRaster, ColorMapper, Array[Byte]] with Product with Serializable

  102. case class ResampleRaster (r: Op[IntRaster], cols: Op[Int], rows: Op[Int]) extends Op3[IntRaster, Int, Int, IntRaster] with Product with Serializable

    This uses a nearest-neighbor algorithm to resample a raster.

  103. trait SimpleUnaryLocal extends Op[IntRaster] with UnaryLocal

  104. case class Split (s: Op[String], delim: Op[String]) extends Op2[String, String, Array[String]] with Product with Serializable

    Split a string on a comma.

  105. case class SplitMultiPolygon (m: Op[MultiPolygon]) extends Op1[MultiPolygon, Array[Polygon]] with Product with Serializable

    Split multipolygon into polygons.

  106. case class SplitOnComma (s: Op[String]) extends Op1[String, Array[String]] with Product with Serializable

    Split a string on a comma.

  107. case class StandardDeviation (r: Op[IntRaster], h: Op[Histogram], factor: Int) extends Op[IntRaster] with Product with Serializable

  108. case class Subtract (r1: Op[IntRaster], r2: Op[IntRaster]) extends Op[IntRaster] with BinaryLocal with Product with Serializable

    Subtract each value in the second raster from the corresponding value in the first raster.

  109. case class SubtractConstant (r: Op[IntRaster], c: Op[Int]) extends Op[IntRaster] with WithIntConstant with Product with Serializable

    Subtract a constant value from each cell.

  110. case class SubtractConstantBy (c: Op[Int], r: Op[IntRaster]) extends Op[IntRaster] with WithIntConstant with Product with Serializable

    Subtract the value of each cell by a constant.

  111. case class UnaryF (f: (Int) ⇒ Int) extends (Int) ⇒ Int with Product with Serializable

    Useful wrapper for Function1[Int,Int] that helps preserve type information between actors.

  112. trait UnaryLocal extends Op[IntRaster] with LocalOp

    Abstract class for all operations that are unary (operate on a single raster) and are local (operate on each cell without knowledge of other cells).

  113. case class WarpRaster (r: Op[IntRaster], e: Op[RasterExtent]) extends Op2[IntRaster, RasterExtent, IntRaster] with Product with Serializable

    Crop a raster to a given extent, using a nearest neighbor algorithm to resample.

  114. trait WithDoubleConstant extends Op[IntRaster] with UnaryLocal

    Multiply each cell in a raster by a constant value.

  115. trait WithIntConstant extends Op[IntRaster] with UnaryLocal

    Multiply each cell in a raster by a constant value.

  116. case class ZonalHistogram (data: Op[IntRaster], zones: Op[IntRaster], zonesArraySize: Op[Int], histArraySize: Op[Int]) extends Op4[IntRaster, IntRaster, Int, Int, Array[Histogram]] with Product with Serializable

    Given a raster, return a histogram summary of the cells within each zone.

Value Members

  1. object BuildRasterExtent extends Serializable

  2. object BurnMultiPolygon extends AnyRef

  3. object BurnMultiPolygons extends Serializable

  4. object BurnPolygons extends Serializable

  5. object CropRasterExtent extends Serializable

  6. object HillshadeHelper extends AnyRef

  7. object IfCell extends Serializable

  8. object Kernel extends AnyRef

    Object used for generating kernels

  9. object KernelDensityHelper extends AnyRef

  10. object LoadFile extends Serializable

  11. object LoadRaster extends Serializable

  12. object Normalize extends AnyRef

    We'd like to use the normalize name both when we want to automatically detect the min/max values, and when we provide them explicitly.

  13. object Operation extends AnyRef

  14. object ParseRasterExtent extends AnyRef

  15. object UnaryF extends Serializable

  16. object UnaryLocal extends AnyRef

  17. object Util extends AnyRef

  18. implicit def addIntRasterTo1 (lhs: IntRaster): AnyRef { ... /* 2 definitions in type refinement */ }

    Definition Classes
  19. implicit def addIntRasterTo2 (lhs: IntRaster): AnyRef { ... /* 2 definitions in type refinement */ }

    Definition Classes
  20. implicit def addIntTo1 (lhs: Int): AnyRef { def +(rhs: geotrellis.operation.package.Op[Int]): geotrellis.operation.package.Op[Int] }

    Definition Classes
  21. implicit def addIntTo2 (lhs: Int): AnyRef { ... /* 2 definitions in type refinement */ }

    Definition Classes
  22. implicit def addOpIntRasterTo1 (lhs: Op[IntRaster]): AnyRef { ... /* 2 definitions in type refinement */ }

    Addition-operator implicits for Int, IntRaster and Op[IntRaster].

    Addition-operator implicits for Int, IntRaster and Op[IntRaster].

    Definition Classes
  23. implicit def addOpIntRasterTo2 (lhs: Op[IntRaster]): AnyRef { ... /* 2 definitions in type refinement */ }

    Definition Classes
  24. implicit def addOpIntTo1 (lhs: Op[Int]): AnyRef { ... /* 2 definitions in type refinement */ }

    Definition Classes
  25. implicit def addOpIntTo2 (lhs: Op[Int]): AnyRef { ... /* 2 definitions in type refinement */ }

    Definition Classes
  26. package applicative

  27. implicit def divideIntBy1 (lhs: Int): AnyRef { def /(rhs: geotrellis.operation.package.Op[Int]): geotrellis.operation.package.Op[Int] }

    Definition Classes
  28. implicit def divideIntBy2 (lhs: Int): AnyRef { ... /* 2 definitions in type refinement */ }

    Definition Classes
  29. implicit def divideIntRasterBy1 (lhs: IntRaster): AnyRef { ... /* 2 definitions in type refinement */ }

    Definition Classes
  30. implicit def divideIntRasterBy2 (lhs: IntRaster): AnyRef { ... /* 2 definitions in type refinement */ }

    Definition Classes
  31. implicit def divideOpIntBy1 (lhs: Op[Int]): AnyRef { ... /* 2 definitions in type refinement */ }

    Definition Classes
  32. implicit def divideOpIntBy2 (lhs: Op[Int]): AnyRef { ... /* 2 definitions in type refinement */ }

    Definition Classes
  33. implicit def divideOpIntRasterBy1 (lhs: Op[IntRaster]): AnyRef { ... /* 2 definitions in type refinement */ }

    Division-operator implicits for Int, IntRaster and Op[IntRaster].

    Division-operator implicits for Int, IntRaster and Op[IntRaster].

    Definition Classes
  34. implicit def divideOpIntRasterBy2 (lhs: Op[IntRaster]): AnyRef { ... /* 2 definitions in type refinement */ }

    Definition Classes
  35. implicit def multiplyIntBy1 (lhs: Int): AnyRef { def *(rhs: geotrellis.operation.package.Op[Int]): geotrellis.operation.package.Op[Int] }

    Definition Classes
  36. implicit def multiplyIntBy2 (lhs: Int): AnyRef { ... /* 2 definitions in type refinement */ }

    Definition Classes
  37. implicit def multiplyIntRasterBy1 (lhs: IntRaster): AnyRef { ... /* 2 definitions in type refinement */ }

    Definition Classes
  38. implicit def multiplyIntRasterBy2 (lhs: IntRaster): AnyRef { ... /* 2 definitions in type refinement */ }

    Definition Classes
  39. implicit def multiplyOpIntBy1 (lhs: Op[Int]): AnyRef { ... /* 2 definitions in type refinement */ }

    Definition Classes
  40. implicit def multiplyOpIntBy2 (lhs: Op[Int]): AnyRef { ... /* 2 definitions in type refinement */ }

    Definition Classes
  41. implicit def multiplyOpIntRasterBy1 (lhs: Op[IntRaster]): AnyRef { ... /* 2 definitions in type refinement */ }

    Multiplication-operator implicits for Int, IntRaster and Op[IntRaster].

    Multiplication-operator implicits for Int, IntRaster and Op[IntRaster].

    Definition Classes
  42. implicit def multiplyOpIntRasterBy2 (lhs: Op[IntRaster]): AnyRef { ... /* 2 definitions in type refinement */ }

    Definition Classes
  43. package render

  44. implicit def subtractIntBy1 (lhs: Int): AnyRef { def -(rhs: geotrellis.operation.package.Op[Int]): geotrellis.operation.package.Op[Int] }

    Definition Classes
  45. implicit def subtractIntBy2 (lhs: Int): AnyRef { ... /* 2 definitions in type refinement */ }

    Definition Classes
  46. implicit def subtractIntRasterBy1 (lhs: IntRaster): AnyRef { ... /* 2 definitions in type refinement */ }

    Definition Classes
  47. implicit def subtractIntRasterBy2 (lhs: IntRaster): AnyRef { ... /* 2 definitions in type refinement */ }

    Definition Classes
  48. implicit def subtractOpIntBy1 (lhs: Int): AnyRef { ... /* 2 definitions in type refinement */ }

    Definition Classes
  49. implicit def subtractOpIntBy2 (lhs: Int): AnyRef { ... /* 2 definitions in type refinement */ }

    Definition Classes
  50. implicit def subtractOpIntRasterBy1 (lhs: Op[IntRaster]): AnyRef { ... /* 2 definitions in type refinement */ }

    Subtraction-operator implicits for Int, IntRaster and Op[IntRaster].

    Subtraction-operator implicits for Int, IntRaster and Op[IntRaster].

    Definition Classes
  51. implicit def subtractOpIntRasterBy2 (lhs: Op[IntRaster]): AnyRef { ... /* 2 definitions in type refinement */ }

    Definition Classes