Raster on which to run the focal operation.
Neighborhood to use for this operation (e.g., Square(1))
Create a new operation with a function that takes the result of this operation and returns a new operation.
Create a new operation with a function that takes the result of this operation and returns a new operation.
Create an operation that applies the function f to the result of this operation, but returns nothing.
Create an operation that applies the function f to the result of this operation, but returns nothing.
Gets a calculation to be used with this focal operation for the given raster neighborhood.
Gets a calculation to be used with this focal operation for the given raster neighborhood.
Choosing the calculation based on on the raster and neighborhood allows flexibility in what calculation to use; if some calculations are faster for some neighborhoods (e.g., using a CellwiseCalculation for Square neighborhoods and a CursorCalculation for all other neighborhoods), or if you want to change the calculation based on the raster's data type, you can do so by returning the correct FocalCalculation from this function.
Raster that the focal calculation will run against.
Neighborhood that will be used in the focal operation.
Create a new operation that returns the result of the provided function that takes this operation's result as its argument.
Create a new operation that returns the result of the provided function that takes this operation's result as its argument.
Neighborhood to use for this operation (e.
Neighborhood to use for this operation (e.g., Square(1))
Return operation identified (class simple name).
Return operation identified (class simple name).
Raster on which to run the focal operation.
Execute this operation and return the result.
Execute this operation and return the result.
Create a new operation with a function that takes the result of this operation and returns a new operation.
Create a new operation with a function that takes the result of this operation and returns a new operation.
Same as flatMap.
(min: Operation[Min]).canEqual(that)
(min: Operation[Min]).debug
(min: Operation[Min]).dispatch(dispatcher)
(min: Operation[Min]).filter(f)
Create a new operation with a function that takes the result of this operation and returns a new operation.
Create a new operation with a function that takes the result of this operation and returns a new operation.
(min: Operation[Min]).flatMap(f)
Create an operation that applies the function f to the result of this operation, but returns nothing.
Create an operation that applies the function f to the result of this operation, but returns nothing.
(min: Operation[Min]).foreach(f)
Create a new operation that returns the result of the provided function that takes this operation's result as its argument.
Create a new operation that returns the result of the provided function that takes this operation's result as its argument.
(min: Operation[Min]).map(f)
Return operation identified (class simple name).
Return operation identified (class simple name).
(min: Operation[Min]).name
(min: Operation[Min]).nextSteps
(min: Operation[Min]).processNextSteps(args)
(min: Operation[Min]).productArity
(min: Operation[Min]).productElement(n)
Execute this operation and return the result.
Execute this operation and return the result.
(min: Operation[Min]).run(context)
(min: Operation[Min]).runAsync(args)
(min: StringAdd).self
(min: StringFormat).self
Create a new operation with a function that takes the result of this operation and returns a new operation.
Create a new operation with a function that takes the result of this operation and returns a new operation.
Same as flatMap.
(min: Operation[Min]).withResult(f)
(min: ArrowAssoc[Min]).x
(Since version 2.10.0) Use leftOfArrow
(min: Ensuring[Min]).x
(Since version 2.10.0) Use resultOfEnsuring
Computes the minimum value of a neighborhood for a given raster
Raster on which to run the focal operation.
Neighborhood to use for this operation (e.g., Square(1))