

package process

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
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  1. process
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. type Args = List[Any]

  2. trait AtomicCache[K, V] extends CacheStrategy[K, V]

    Atomic cache provides an atomic getOrInsert(k,v) method This cache assumes that (k,v) pair is immutable

  3. trait BoundedCache[K, V] extends CacheStrategy[K, V]

    A hash backed cache with a size boundary Operations on this cache may required O(N) time to execute (N = size of cache)

  4. trait CacheStrategy[K, V] extends AnyRef

    Base trait for a caching strategy

  5. case class Calculation[T](server: Server, pos: Int, args: Args, cb: (List[Any]) ⇒ StepOutput[T], client: ActorRef, dispatcher: ActorRef, _id: String) extends WorkerLike with Product with Serializable

  6. sealed trait CalculationResult[+T] extends AnyRef

    CalculationResult contains an operation's results.

  7. type Callback[T] = (List[Any]) ⇒ StepOutput[T]

  8. case class Catalog(name: String, stores: Map[String, DataStore], json: String, source: String) extends Product with Serializable

    Represents a named collection of data stores.

  9. case class CatalogRec(catalog: String, stores: List[DataStoreRec]) extends Rec[Catalog] with Product with Serializable

  10. case class Complete[T](value: T, history: Success) extends CalculationResult[T] with Product with Serializable

    CalculationResult for a successful operation.

  11. case class DataStore(name: String, params: Map[String, String]) extends Product with Serializable

    Represents a location where data can be loaded from (e.

  12. case class DataStoreRec(store: String, params: Map[String, String]) extends Rec[DataStore] with Product with Serializable

  13. case class Dispatcher(server: Server) extends Actor with Product with Serializable

    Dispatcher is responsible for forwarding work to workers.

  14. case class Error(message: String, history: Failure) extends CalculationResult[Nothing] with Product with Serializable

    CalculationResult for a failed operation.

  15. case class Failure(id: String, startTime: Long, stopTime: Long, children: List[History], message: String, trace: String) extends History with Product with Serializable

    Failure is the History of a failed operation.

  16. trait HashBackedCache[K, V] extends CacheStrategy[K, V]

    An unbounded hash-backed cache Operations on this cache execute in O(1) time

  17. sealed trait History extends AnyRef

    History stores information about the execution of an operation.

  18. case class Inlined[T](value: T) extends CalculationResult[T] with Product with Serializable

    CalculationResult for an operation which was a literal argument.

  19. class LRUCache[K, V] extends HashBackedCache[K, V] with OrderedBoundedCache[K, V] with AtomicCache[K, V] with LoggingCache[K, V]

  20. trait Layer extends AnyRef

    Represents a layer of raster data, or a feature layer (e.

  21. trait LoggingCache[K, V] extends CacheStrategy[K, V]

  22. class MRUCache[K, V] extends HashBackedCache[K, V] with OrderedBoundedCache[K, V] with AtomicCache[K, V] with LoggingCache[K, V]

  23. class NoCacheStrategy[K, V] extends CacheStrategy[K, V]

    A Cache Strategy that completely ignores caching and always returns the input object Operations on this cache execute in O(1) time

  24. case class OperationResult[T](result: CalculationResult[T], pos: Int) extends Product with Serializable

    Message used to send result values.

  25. trait OrderedBoundedCache[K, V] extends BoundedCache[K, V]

  26. case class RasterLayer(name: String, typ: String, datatyp: String, basePath: String, rasterExtent: RasterExtent, epsg: Int, xskew: Double, yskew: Double) extends Layer with Product with Serializable

  27. case class RasterLayerRec(layer: String, type: String, datatype: String, xmin: Double, xmax: Double, ymin: Double, ymax: Double, cols: Int, rows: Int, cellheight: Double, cellwidth: Double, epsg: Int, yskew: Double, xskew: Double) extends Rec[RasterLayer] with Product with Serializable

    Concrete Rec types defined below.

  28. trait Rec[T] extends AnyRef

    Records are the raw scala/json objects, rather than the objects we actually want to pass to the constructors.

  29. case class Run(op: Operation[_]) extends Product with Serializable

    External message to compute the given operation and return result to sender.

  30. case class RunCallback[T](args: Args, pos: Int, cb: (List[Any]) ⇒ StepOutput[T], client: ActorRef, id: String, dispatcher: ActorRef) extends Product with Serializable

    Internal message to compute the provided args (if necessary), invoke the provided callback with the computed args, and send the result to the client.

  31. case class RunDispatched(op: Operation[_], dispatcher: ActorRef) extends Product with Serializable

    External message to compute the given operation and return result to sender.

  32. case class RunOperation[T](op: Operation[T], pos: Int, client: ActorRef, dispatcher: Option[ActorRef]) extends Product with Serializable

    Internal message to run the provided op and send the result to the client.

  33. class Server extends AnyRef

  34. case class ServerActor(id: String, server: Server) extends Actor with Product with Serializable

    Actor responsible for dispatching and executing operations.

  35. case class Success(id: String, startTime: Long, stopTime: Long, children: List[History]) extends History with Product with Serializable

    Success is the History of a successful operation.

  36. class Timer extends AnyRef

    Timers are used to accumulate child results, and create history objects.

  37. case class Worker(server: Server) extends WorkerLike with Product with Serializable

    Workers are responsible for evaluating an operation.

  38. trait WorkerLike extends Actor

    This trait contains functionality shared by Worker and Calculation.

Value Members

  1. object Catalog extends Serializable

  2. object RasterLayer extends Serializable

  3. object Server

  4. object TestServer

  5. def log(msg: String): Unit

  6. def time(): Long

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
